November 16, 1781

1781 November 16 (Friday).  Mr. Kendal — Mr. Foster of New-Braintree dine here.  They Spend part of the Afternoon here, and towards Eve Mr. Brigham went with Mr. Foster to Capt. Jonas Brighams.  Mr. Kendall here.  At Eve Mr. Abijah Gale came in and said he had a Message from the Town to me, viz. Their Burdens being so very heavy, they would be glad to know whether if the Town shall pay me this years Sallery at the Time, and according to its value when it was granted, I shall be willing to accept of half the last years Sallery (none of it being yet paid) now, and take Security for the other half with Interest from the time it was due, until paid?  My Answer to Mr. Gale (my son Breck and Pamela Coollege were present) was this — “With proper Respects to the Town, let them know, That Since the Glorious God has wrought Such wonderfull Things for us, and granted us thus to triumph over our Enemies, We ought to manifest our hearty Gratitude to Him, by all ways possible; and particularly by Works of Righteousness, Mercy and Compassion to one another.  And as to the proposal and Request of the Town, abovesaid, I consent to Shew the Town all the Compassion I can under my present Circumstances, having been obliged to plunge deeply into Debt for a great while; But this is upon Condition that if I am, upon my trying, unable to undergo it, then the Town on their part, shall shew Compassion to me, and shall afford me Relief.”