May 1, 1781

1781 May 1 (Tuesday).  Mr. Daniel Adams here — full of Resentments.  Wants I Should stop the Church after the Fast Exercises, that he might Speak to them.  I told him I was as ready to serve him as any Man, but he must bring me what he had to say, in writing, that, according to Platform, it may be prepared to be laid before the Church.  N.B. Mindwell Batheric was Witness.  Mrs. P_____ also Saw his discomposedness and heard somewhat of his Resentments.  He went away uneasy.  P.M. A Number of young Gentlemen here.  Messrs. Hazzleton, Fish, Jno. Baker.

May 3, 1781

1781 May 3 (Thursday).  General Fast through out the States.  Preached on Mat. 24.12.  I had Spent a great deal of Time in preparing upon this very suitable Text (Sufficient for a Sermon) but by Accident I found a Set of Sermons which I had made and preached on the Same, yet it was so many years since, that I chose those Notes rather, both a. and p.m. but in delivering I added as the present times among the people were.  At Eve I read in the Family principal sketches of Mr. Barker in Morning Exercise on Fasting, from Mark 2.20.  May God grant His Blessing, and graciously accept!

May 4, 1781

1781 May 4 (Friday).  Ben. had my Horse to Hopkinton — brought Potatoes from Mr. Barretts to plant.  Mr. Whitney made us a Visit (too much out of season for my Studies).  He acquaints me with what Marlborough Town, has lately done about Mr. Ebenezer Grosvenor.  Too slender Majority for him.  Billy junior from Concord brought little Suse — and tarrys to night.  Mr. Brigham and Sophy ride to Col. Brighams.  Mr. James Miller here at Eve: reckon with him for his work in getting out Cedar Rails at my Swamp — 2 1/2 Days, 27 shillings old way.

May 6, 1781

1781 May 6 (Sunday).  I read (publickly) John 18.  Preached on 1 Cor. 11.27 from page 19 (Sermon IV) to p. 24, as far as to the (3) exclusively.  Administered the Lords Supper.  N.B. old Mr. Batheric absent.  Mr. Fish and Mrs. Maynard dined with us.  P.M. did not read.  Preached on John 14.6, “the Truth.”  May the Blessing of God be vouchsafed!  At Eve part of Mr. Henry’s Communion Companion, Chapter 12 was read in the Family; and Mr. Brigham, at my Request, prayed.

May 10, 1781

1781 May 10 (Thursday).  Elias fetched Miss Lois Burnett here to make him a blue, Cloth Coat.  Mr. Barny Newton, treasurer, here, and pays me the Remainder of the Towns Grants of £1300 made last July.  P.M. Mrs. Susanna Forbes (wife of Simon) here and was examined.  Mr. Jonathan Maynard here and buys Flax Seed.  Cousin Samuel Brigham here sadly oppressed with Cough.

May 15, 1781

1781 May 15 (Tuesday).  Wrote by him to Samuel.  N.B. I went in the morning to see old Mr. Morse of Hopkinton, but found he had expired this morning about or before two o’Clock.  The Widow etc. ask me to come to the Burial and desire me to call at Capt. Morse’s to acquaint him with the designed Funeral.  P.M. I rode into the South West and was Lieut. Grouts, Mr. Elijah Hardy’s, Mr. Underwood, Mr. Benajah Brighams, Mr. Twitchells, Mr. Solomon Millers — then to Mr. Samuel Forbush’s at Upton (where I bought a Pig, of 7 Weeks old).  In returning I called at the Widow Thurstons and at Mr. John Harrington’s.

May 16, 1781

1781 May 16 (Wednesday).  I attended the Funeral of Mr. Seth Morse.  Mr. Fitch came late — but we waited, and he prayed — pertinently and wisely.  May God grant we may all Suitably improve this Providence to our own Quickening and Warning!  N.B. Mr. Peter Thacher, Son of Mr. Thacher of Attleborough, is come to live at the Pierce place.

May 17, 1781

1781 May 17 (Thursday).  Breck returned from Boston.  He informs that My Brother Williams Widow dyed at and was buryed from the Alms House about a fortnight ago.  My son Samuel undertook the Care and bore the Expence of the Funeral.  May God graciously Sanctifie this Decease to all of us!  Samuel Sends me Mr. Dawes’ Oration on the 5th of March last.

May 20, 1781

1781 May 20 (Sunday).  Read Deut. 32 to v. 28 a.m. and the rest p.m.  Preached on v. 46, 47.  Appointed a Catechizing next Thursday.  At Eve Mr. Brigham read Mr. Flavel on Prov. 8.30 in the Fountain of Life.  N.B. Squire Singleterry, of Sutton calls here to tell me Mr. Stone is sick, and that I am desired to visit him.

May 21, 1781

1781 May 21 (Monday).  My Son Samuel and his Wife leave us to go to Norwich.  Wrote to Mr. Wight.  I visited my Brother Stone and found him very ill of a Fever.  His Mind much exercised.  Prayed with him, dined there.  P.M. I returned — calling at old Lt. Brighams and got Ointment of Mrs. Brigham for Mrs. P____’s Leg: which is now a days very bad.  I went to Capt. Edmund Brighams and discoursed with him and his Wife of their Guilt etc.  Alas!  with too little success!

May 23, 1781

1781 May 23 (Wednesday).  I again visited Mr. Stone.  Find him low: but his Doctor (Parker) thinks the Symptoms are not worse.  His Mind much the same, very humble before the Great God, and apprehensive of the Vastness of the Work of Dying!  A variety of Visitants — sister Cushing and I went and dined at her sister Brighams — Returned to Mr. Stones — prayed with him, and took (most affectionately) Leave of him, and the Family.  I came home by Mr. Snow’s, where I called a while; but having taken Cold, was not well when I got home.  Mr. Thomas Stone came up and got some Lemons etc.

May 26, 1781

1781 May 26 (Saturday).  Brecks Letter not having been Sent, I wrote my Self, and Sent Elias on purpose.  Am better (through divine Goodness) and went down to Dinner, but weak and feeble.  Mr. Nathan Kenney brought his Relation, which I corrected and he signed.  There is still great Noise about the Squire’s going to Court.  A Notification for Town Meeting.  Am informed also that a Number of young Persons of Northborough who went out on a privateering Voiage are taken, and some of them are carryed into New York.

May 29, 1781

1781 May 29 (Tuesday).  Mr. Brigham goes to HardwickElias to Mendon.  I sent by Squire Singleterry to Mr. QuincyHenry Biddle an officer of the Army, with him.  P.M. Mr. Samuel Breck of Northampton in his Way to Boston, came to see us.  Deacon Chamberlain of Worcester, going to See his Uncle Ebenezer Chamberlain here.  Mr. Sumner came from Mr. Stones and tells me he is yet alive, but exceeding low.

May 30, 1781

1781 May 30 (Wednesday).  Pamela, on my Horse, goes her Journey to Visit her Parents and Friends.  Dr. Hawes waited upon me with his Chaise to visit Mr. Stone once more.  He was lower than ever: his Reason however, is Sound.  Gives more hopeful Answer — Consents to the Truth of the Gospel and recommends to us the holy Christian Religion — Mr. Fitch of Hopkinton and much Company there.  N.B. he was at prayer when I went in.  I took solemn Leave.  Doctor brought me back to his House, but in our returning we stopped a while and drank Tea at Haskells.

May 31, 1781

1781 May 31 (Thursday).  Mr. Isaac Johnson came with the heavy Tidings, that Mr. Stone expired about 7 o’Clock a.m.  Alas! my Brother!  Help, Lord!  The Godly cease the Righteous fail [illegible] do not Thou forsake us!  Mr. Johnson dines here and goes to Dr. Hall.  Deacon Chamberlain here in his Returning home.  He tells me Mr. Mellen is Mr. Mccarty’s Second for the Convention sermon of day.  It is now 20 Years since I preached it.  Brother Stone I hope is gone to the Grand Convention above.  Mr. Cushing came — but at Eve went to Shrewsbury.