December 1, 1780

1780 December 1 (Friday).  Rob. Wightman is so successful in his getting out and cleaning the Rye that in these few Days he has thrashed and winnowed (as he has counted) 40 Bushels besides that he plowed for me half a Day, which he gave in; and he carrys away 4 Bushels for his wages.  I was called away to see Betty Barker, as being near her End.  I went — found her very bad, of bilious Fever.  She was too delirious to converse much.  I prayed with her, and a number more.  Called to see Mrs. Nottingham, who seems to be in more hopeful state.

December 3, 1780

1780 December 3 (Sunday).  A very cold stormy tedious Day; and it was doubtful whether we could attend the Solemnities proposed: yet the Snow which fell was not very deep.  I attempted, and God was pleased to carry me through.  A.M. on Mal. 1.13 “And they brought that which was torn” etc.  Administered the Lord’s Supper to the few which came.  Mrs. Maynard dined with us.  P.M. on Rev. 3.2.1.  May God graciously forgive, accept and bless!  At eve, Brigham, Flavell on Rev. 3.20, Sermon 9, former part.

December 4, 1780

1780 December 4 (Monday).  A great Disappointment arose by means of nine young Cattle of Squire’s which broke in upon and destroyed a great part of my Straw which was designed for several uses: Harrington lays up a part of it on the Hovel and Cart Shed — but, the Cattle very troublesome, and a sad interruption to me after they had been driven away, [sic]

December 10, 1780

1780 December 10 (Sunday).  A wet Day but (through divine Goodness) I felt so well that I went to Meeting and preached (at Southborough) a. and p.m. on Ps. 124 Several verses, using with some variations, part of the Introduction to the late Thanksgiving Sermon.  May God grant Success!  Mr. Stone returned at eve.  It was too rainy for me, and they urging, I stayed there.

December 15, 1780

1780 December 15 (Friday).  delivers me a letter from Mr. Quincy of the 6th.  Rev. Mr. Israel Evans, a Chaplain to General Poor’s Brigade, recommended to me by Mr. Grosvenor, came and lodged here.  He relates how General Washington was in Arnold’s plot, was designed to be Surprised and taken, at Col. Beverly Robertson’s House in Philip’s Manor, over against West Point.

December 16, 1780

1780 December 16 (Saturday).  Mr. Evans left us to go to Concord.  N.B. He presented me his Sermon delivered at Easton Oct. 17, 1779 to the Officers and Soldiers of the Western Army, after their Return from an Expedition against the five Nations of hostile Indians, published at the particular Request of the General (Sullivan) and the Field Officers of the Army, printed at Philadelphia.

December 20, 1780

1780 December 20 (Wednesday).  Took a walk among my Neighbors to reckon with them, that I might pay them for their Work for me, last Season, this being the first time that I have had any Money to do it.  I went to Mr. Kenny’s, dined at Mr. N. Maynard’s, was at Mr. Thad. Warrin’s.  Visit Mrs. Nottingham, who is yet ill and prayed with her.  Two Letters from Camp from Ebenezer and from Col. Baldwin of Nov. 14, with General Orders.

December 22, 1780

1780 December 22 (Friday).  Mr. Daniel Miller of Fitz-William dined here.  Mr. Brigham returned from Boston, and says Mr. Ripley recovers. Town Meeting by Adjournment to endeavor to raise Recruits for the Continental Army; also Quota of Beef and to purchase Corn for the payment of 3 months’ men.  At eve Mr. Fisk who keeps the East School, here.  Capt. Edmund Brigham here, on his Humiliation.

December 25, 1780

1780 December 25 (Monday).  In morning Family Exercise read Luke 1.25 to the End and Ch. 2, divers parts, which peculiarly respect the Nativity of our B. L. and give Thanks therefor.  Breck and his Family dined with us.  O that we might uprightly and most gratefully join with all true Christians, and with all our Souls magnifie the Lord, rejoicing forever in God our Saviour!

December 31, 1780

1780 December 31 (Sunday).  I preached a.m. on Mal. 1.14 the latter part, and p.m. on Eccl. 12.13.  It is deeply to be regretted that those great and Serious Subjects have so slender Effect upon our Minds, Since they do so nearly, so inf’ly [infinitely?  ] concern us!  I have great Reason to be astonished at myself, that I am so far below what I ought to be!  I beseech God most graciously to awaken me to a proportionable Exertion!  At eve Mr. Brigham read Mr. Flavell on Rev. 3.20.  O that I might have a Frame of Spirit suited to the Close of the Year, and that I might have a lively Apprehension of the Close of Life, that I may be found ready for it.