1780 October 1 (Sunday). Did not read publickly. Preached on Mal. 1.11. P.M. repeat Sermon on Isaiah 55.13. Admitted Mrs. El. Adams. At eve read Mr. Flavell’s Sermon 7 on Rev. 3.20. N.B. To my sorrow, my Oxen have been breachy at Mr. Isaac Parker’s and let in Cattle with them, into his Cornfield.
Month: October 1780
October 2, 1780
1780 October 2 (Monday). I rode to a number of Familys in the South, viz. Capt. Morse’s: Lieut. and Ensign Warrin’s: Mr. Elisha Forbes, where I dined, and he was very generous in a number of presents. I went also to the Widow Forbes’s, where I had opportunity to see old Miss Stone, was also at Mr. Phin. Hardy’s, but could find no Body there. N.B. Lt. Warrin kindly sent his young Man at eve, for two of my Calves to pasture them till weaned.
October 3, 1780
1780 October 3 (Tuesday). I preached at Squire Bakers’s on Ezek. 20.11. May it please God to accompany it with His Special Blessing! May we have Grace to keep God’s Statutes and Judgments, which we ought to be thankful God has given us. Since if a man do them he shall even live in them. Squire got home from Boston at about 3, yet sat out at Charlestown 25 minutes after 9 a.m.
October 4, 1780
1780 October 4 (Wednesday). Mr. Nathan Maynard came with a yoke of Oxen, Dr. Hawes’ Oxen and my own, having Squire’s Plough, and Mr. Joseph Harrington’s Lad, namely Aaron Miller and Capt. Wood’s son Benj. to drive and they plowed part of my West Field and left it in a broken condition.
October 5, 1780
1780 October 5 (Thursday). A Storm of Rain. Read Rise and Progress of War.
October 6, 1780
1780 October 6 (Friday). Daughter Baldwin sends me a packet of Letters — one from Col. to her: 3 of Ebenezer to her, which show him to have been in a distressed, disconsolate and now in a sick and weak Condition. I wrote a Letter to him, though I am not sure how I shall send it. I am much perplexed and disappointed about getting my West Field (the rest of what I proposed) plowed.
October 7, 1780
1780 October 7 (Saturday). Intended to have gone to Shrewsbury, but rec’d a Line from Mr. Sumner neg. and recommending tomorrow come sennight. I took great pains to get another Day’s plowing done, but it was all in vain, neither could I find time to prepare any New Discourse for tomorrow.
October 8, 1780
1780 October 8 (Sunday). Went on with reading in the Psalms — read Ps. 106 to 24. And I proceeded in Repetition of Sermon on Isa. 55.13 a. and p.m. to page 251, which may God bless to our Highest Good! Rec’d a Letter from Master Nathan Fisk junior of H. C. and another from Mr. Quincy. At eve Breck etc. came, and he read another part of Mr. Flavell on Rev. 3.20.
October 9, 1780
1780 October 9 (Monday). Jonathan Frost with my Oxen, Oliver Death with two yoke of Oxen from Squire Baker’s, and Joel Kenney to help to driving, plowed in the West Field.
October 10, 1780
1780 October 10 (Tuesday). Hear much of Bears. One is killed by Capt. Jonas Brigham, and others. Weighed 300. I dined at Capt. Brigham’s, I visit at Col. Brigham’s. P.M. Mr. Ebenezer Forbush conducted me to the thick Swamp, where is the hideous Dwelling of Jacob Garfield, and I went in, though with Difficulty, to see it. Garfield himself led my Horse out, and I visited at Mr. Tim. Warrin’s — but my principal visit was to Mr. Daniel Stockwell’s young Child, which was sick — I prayed with it — and then went to the poor at the Work House. At my return home was informed that Mr. Fitch of Hopkinton had been here, and brought home Dr. Stillingfleet’s Orig. Sacrae.
October 11, 1780
1780 October 11 (Wednesday). I am obliged to take unspeakable Pains to get a very little work done — have obtained Mr. Thad. Warrin to thrash a little Rye to Sowe, and he winnows it — 2 bushels. And Mr. Langton called here.
October 12, 1780
1780 October 12 (Thursday). In the Morning, Mr. Brigham and Sophy sat out for Rochester. I have writ by them to Mr. Moore, to Mr. Fitch and to Mr. Thos. Adams. Catechized at the Meeting House., had but 28 Boys. P.M. had 34 Girls. And many God graciously accompany the Influence and Warning with His special Blessing! Mr. Thos. Lamson here, to thrash today, but cannot obtain any more.
October 13, 1780
1780 October 13 (Friday). I attended the Funeral of Mr. Stockwell’s Infant and prayed. The Town met to choose a Representative for the first Assembly of the New Government. Mr. John Harrington at eve, and pays all he was to collect.
October 14, 1780
1780 October 14 (Saturday). Mr. Ebenezer Maynard very kind in sowing and harrowing, both yesterday till afternoon and today a.m. with his son and yoke of Oxen. He did it gratis. Deacon Wood is in a sad Contest with one Chafey, who with his Wife and Child, boarded several months there, but refuses to pay him for it. I rode to Mr. Sumner’s and lodged.
October 15, 1780
1780 October 15 (Sunday). I preached at Shrewsbury. A.M. on Jer. 8.20. P.M. on Job. 31.24. Young Mr. Crosby prayed publickly. P.M. I appointed the Communion and Lecture there, and returned home at evening. Mr. Sumner rode to Westborough in the Morning. Preached for me a. and p.m. on 1 Pet. 3.21, last clause — “left us an example etc.” He baptized two Children, viz: Polly and Samuel Hall of Daniel Jr. and Elizabeth Adams. Mr. Sumner returned eve. Col. Wheelock is come home.
October 16, 1780
1780 October 16 (Monday). Mr. Kenney refuses to husk my Corn, though I conceived he took my Field to the halves as Dr. Hawes did, who took the whole care of husking the Corn, and carrying it into the Corn Barn. However, we came to an agreement. I told him he should ask the Neighbors to assist, in an afternoon, and though I would not make an Entertainment, yet I would give them some Drink.
October 17, 1780
1780 October 17 (Tuesday). I rode to East Sudbury to Minister’s Meeting, at Mr. Smiths. (So it is called, though at Mr. Bridge’s House.) Only Mr. Whitney absent. Mr. Smith very full of pain etc. and P________ was Moderator and prayed. A Committee from Marlborough, about a Fast there, Another Committee from Bolton, with new Difficulties there. Before we broke up, Mr. Newell prayed. Next Meeting to be next April at the same place. I went to my son William’s where all was well, and I lodged there in comfort and Health. D.G.
October 18, 1780
1780 October 18 (Wednesday). I payed William an hundred Dollars for so much sent to Elias, last Winter, and he paid me Six Silver Dollars which I lent him some time ago. I returned to Westborough. On my way, dined at Col. Weeks’ in Marlborough. Proceeded to Mr. Elizur Holyoke’s, a joiner at Col. Williams — Col. Brigham’s, and at Mr. Francis Barns’s.
October 19, 1780
1780 October 19 (Thursday). Mr. Kenney brought from the North Field my part of the Corn, and a number of Neighbors husked it out. Breck was very generous in treating the Huskers with Liquor. Mr. Stephen Johnson and his Wife, from Lyne and their son Eliot of Watertown, with his new Wife, Mr. Johnson’s Daughter, all lodged here.
October 20, 1780
1780 October 20 (Friday). The Company leave us expecting to meet a number of Watertown people at Westown to dine there. Mr. Samuel Crosby preached my Lecture on Luke 2.11.12. After Lecture, Messrs. Hazletine and Fisk here at Tea etc.
October 21, 1780
1780 October 21 (Saturday). [No entry.]
October 22, 1780
1780 October 22 (Sunday). I preached a.m. on Mat. 26.21-22 to p. 3. Administered the Sacrament. Mrs. Maynard at dinner. P.M. on Rev. 5.5. At eve Mr. Brigham read another part of Mr. Flavell’s Sermon 7 on Rev. 3.20.
October 23, 1780
1780 October 23 (Monday). The Widow Hill’s little Son, Silas, of about 4 years old, very bad. I visited and prayed with him. After much Anxiety and Trouble, Capt. Wood’s two sons work for me in my small Ingathering, Apples and Potatoes.
October 24, 1780
1780 October 24 (Tuesday). They come again and finish Beeton field and Orchard. Rev. Mr. Lamson, returning from Connecticut, calls here and Ben Wood goes with my few Apples and Barrells at evening to Mr. Frost’s. Breck cut his Foot with an Ax.
October 25, 1780
1780 October 25 (Wednesday). We esteem this the Day of the Commencement of the honorable Revolution. The New Constitution of Government now begins The Election of Governor etc. It is exceedingly to be desired and prayed for, that the minds of the People were properly affected with the great Importance of this so unexampled Time! Direct the weighty Affairs of it and grant an happy Issue to His Glory and the Public Weal!
October 26, 1780
1780 October 26 (Thursday). I have been so much disappointed by those I have spoke to to work for me that I am forced to improve Capt. Woods’ two Boys
October 27, 1780
1780 October 27 (Friday). to plow for me. We try the new Horse my son Alexander sent me, and with my Oxen I have a sufficient Team for splitting —— (? ) and harrowing in Rye. Mr. Brigham has returned. I visit and prayed with little Silas.
October 28, 1780
1780 October 28 (Saturday). Lieut. Levi Warrin brought me a Barrell of Cyder. P.M. I rode to Hopkinton and Mr. Fitch came here, though very rainy.
October 29, 1780
1780 October 29 (Sunday). I preached at Hopkinton on Prov. 18.10. May God grant Success to my own Soul especially. At eve, I went to Mr. Barrett’s and lodged there! Mr. Fitch returned from Westborough and tells me the sick little Boy (Silas) dyed last night. N.B. The Sad News from the North West is confirmed. Mischief done at Royalton, Schoharie etc.
October 30, 1780
1780 October 30 (Monday). I took some time in viewing Mr. Barrett’s Books, dined at home and Mr. Sam Crosby with me. P.M. attended the Funeral of Silas Hill. A very large Company there.
October 31, 1780
1780 October 31 (Tuesday). Breck and Brigham have a drove of Oxen brought to sell. I read Mr. Thos. Hunter’s Reflections on Lord Chesterfield, very just and most elegant.