March 1, 1780

1780 March 1 (Wednesday).  Notwithstanding the Rain and very difficult travelling, I went a.m. to the Funeral of old Mr. Jonah Warren, who expired in the Eighty [blank] year of his age.  Many people attended.  I prayed — ventured to come home on foot.  The Snow and Ice made it dangerous to ride.  Breck is somewhat better.  At night he grew worse.  My Family and his united are 14.  The Harvard Vacancy is up today; but the weather rough and Roads very bad.  Elias cannot go to Cambridge.

March 5, 1780

1780 March 5 (Sunday).  On 1 Thes. 4.14, on occasion of the Death of old Mr. Jonah Warrin.  Cousin Maynard, Misses Brigham (as well as Breck and his Family) fill our Dining Board.  P.M. repeated on 2 Tim. 3.7 to page 9 bottom.  Cousin Maynard lodges here.  N.B. Rec’d a Letter from Mr. Quincy by Mr. Thomas Whitney, dated Feb. 12.

March 6, 1780

1780 March 6 (Monday).  Town Meeting.  Mr. Ebenezer Maynard and Dr. Hawes came to me with the Town’s Request to go to the Meeting House and pray with them.  I went, prayed and add a few words of address to them, but no word concerning my own Case.  Mrs. Maynard and her son (Master Samuel) dine with us and at eve a number of young Scholars, Hazeltine, Sam’l Brigham.

March 9, 1780

1780 March 9 (Thursday).  Mr. Thad Warrin came and killed two Piggs for me, both of them weighed 226.  P.M. at Mr. Stockwell’s Desire I rode down to Mr. Tim. Warrin’s.  Elias went with me to drive the Sleigh.  I marryed Stephen Belknap to Eunice Warrin and supped there.  Elias went for me again at evening — and we returned safely, notwithstanding the badness of the way — the Horse breaking in to the Snow banks, oftentimes and the Sleigh tossing uncomfortably, being also in the Rain.  N.B. A number of Westborough combine to take again the Worcester News.

March 16, 1780

1780 March 16 (Thursday).  Elias depended upon Mr. Elisha Parker to go to Boston and in returning to bring up our Horse: but by Parker not going, Elias is disappointed and does not go.  I finished reading Lord Chesterfield’s Letters, but the Miscel. no farther than page 578.  We have such another Winter by the Storm of Snow, which came today as makes us think of the Value of Wood, and pity such as are destitute.

March 18, 1780

1780 March 18 (Saturday).  Mr. Moses Nurse brings a load of Wood for Mr. Maynard.  N.B. The Measuring of Wood has been chiefly performed by Elias, and sometimes by Breck at the Shop.  Mr. Amos Parker here.  He relates what occurred last Tuesday at North Shrewsbury by the deliriousness of Mr. Gershom Flagg, who did mischief at Mr. Fairbank’s new erected House, but chiefly at the Meeting House.  Mr. Parker speaks also of the Drowning of several men attempting to pass over Merrimack River.

March 20, 1780

1780 March 20 (Monday).  Elias is still disappointed of going to Cambridge.  P.M. I rode to Squire Baker’s.  He gave me (as I understood him) the Tallow I wanted of him.  I was too destitute of common money, and therefore went to the Treasurer Newton for Supply — but there was none for me: but he offered to lend me an hundred pounds of his own Money.  I was at Deacon Wood’s — am grieved at its being such a Seat of Lazy Typlers.  N.B. I returned by Dr. Hawes, W. R. Cranch’s Biog. Univ.

March 21, 1780

1780 March 21 (Tuesday).  N.B. I delivered to Elias Four Hundred Dollars of which one hundred and seventy-six from my own Desk and borrowed 224 Dollars of my Son Breck.  Breck goes for Boston.  Sent by him to Mr. Quincy and to my kinswoman, Mrs. Eliz. Bradford.  Elias on Mr. Elisha Forbes’ horse to Cambridge, and by him I sent to the President, and to my Son William at Concord.  I borrowed 20£ of Money of Mr. Barney Newton, Treasurer, which he must have again from the Constable when  he can gather it of the People.

March 22, 1780

1780 March 22 (Wednesday).  Gave Mrs. P________ 33 Dollars to pay Miss Lucy Maynard.  Mr. Stone came — dined — preached my Lecture, on Isa. 53.6, tarried over night.  N.B. We read a Narrative of the Journal and discoverys of two of General Gage’s Officers, when reconnoitring the Roads and as far as Worcester — previous to Lexington Fight.

March 23, 1780

1780 March 23 (Thursday).  Mr. Stone and I walked up to Squire Baker’s to the stones and to see 4 great Oxen, of uncommon Bigness and Fatness.  Mr. Stone returned home.  Breck returned before night — brought two letters from Mr. Forbes to me.  One from Mrs. Rebecca Wetmore at London to Mr. William Spring.  One also from Mr. Thomas Barrett of Cambridge to Miss Lydia Champney, which relates the Death of her Brother, Mr. Samuel Champney, Feb’y 3rd last.  Breck brought also a present of a Barcelona Handkerchief to his Mother from Samuel and another from the same to Sophy, and another from the same to Suse.  I perceive that he gave 50 Dollars apiece for them.

March 25, 1780

1780 March 25 (Saturday).  Mr. Nathan Maynard junior brought one load of Wood, which my son Breck measured, and says is 77 feet.  But inasmuch as (to deal rightly) several loads of late have been of exceeding crooked wood, and this today has such a quantity of small wood I told my son I would be glad to have more allowance made on those accounts.

March 26, 1780

1780 March 26 (Sunday).  Preached again on 1 Thes. 4.14 and read the verses following.  I administered the Lord’s Supper.  O that it might be accepted through the Merits and Intercession of Jesus Christ.  Old Mrs. Green dined with us.  P.M. I went on with the subject from 2 Tim. 3.7.  From page 23 to page 29, which may God graciously own and bless!  In the eve read part of Mr. Henry on Due Return from the Lord’s Table.

March 27, 1780

1780 March 27 (Monday).  Dr. Crosby came in to see me.  He is about selling part of his place in Shrewsbury, viz, His Buildings, and about 60 acres of his Land, to old Mr. Rider.  William Winchester remains much unwell.  I was obliged to get Josiah Brigham to tend my Cattle in the Morning.  Breck has received two Letters from Mr. Moore.

March 28, 1780

1780 March 28 (Tuesday).  Josiah Brigham goes to Boston.  I write and send by him to Mr. Moore and also to Elias at College.  John Barrett of Hopkinton came to see me — dines here.  His ardency is still to go to College.  He is now desirous to go to that at Dartmouth.  He borrows two pamphlets of Mr. Hutchinson’s Sermons.  William Winchester still complains of much Indisposition, yet has been to the Barn.

March 29, 1780

1780 March 29 (Wednesday).  William grows worse, takes physic of Dr. Stimson, who called to see us and dines here.  P.M. Mrs. P________ to Harrington’s.  Suse goes to her Fathers, Breck takes care of the Cattle for me.  Eph. Parker was here at Evening.  I try to have him live here, but I cant succeed.  N.B. Mr. Nathan Maynard junior and Lieut. Bond, bring so much Wood as compleats (as they, Maynard and Breck say) Maynard’s Ten cord, so that I gave a Receipt for it.