January 31, 1779

1779 January 31 (Sunday).  I preached on Mat. 22.39.  P.M. repeated Sermon 1 on 2 Cor. 3.15, but read from X. 12 because of the long Explication of the Context, proceeded to the forepart of the Amplification in p. 5 and added cotempore.  I appointed a Singing Lecture to be next Thursday at 2 p.m.  Dr. Hawes delivered me a Packet from Col. White, Rept. for Rochester.  I found it contained principally Rev. Mr. West’s (of Dartmouth) anniversary Sermon at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1777[1] with a folio letter of his to me, in six numbers, opening further the prophecy’s in Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Micah, and the Revelation, which as he conjectures, point at the present Times in America, accompanyed by a letter from my son Moore, and his Transcript of Mr. West’s Letter of (16 pages octavo) lest I should not be able to read Mr. West’s autography.  Which were very acceptable.  In the evening, read Mr. West’s sermon above mentioned, as well as Mr. Moore’s letter.  Thus I finish this month, and may a gracious God forgive the Miscarriages and Deficientys [sic] I have been chargeable with!  And the Day past in Special!

[1]Samuel West (1730-1807), An anniversary sermon, preached at Plymouth, December 22d, 1777. In grateful memory of the first landing of our pious New-England ancesters [sic] in that place, A.D. 1620 (Boston: Draper and Folsom, [1778?]; Evans 43594).