January 28, 1779

1779 January 28 (Thursday).  Mr. Newton brings more wood, and brings his own Account which I copy and cast up, but we find that now he has brought enough to make up 35 cord.  Mr. N. Maynard junior came with a load of six feet: half of which was for Mr. Joseph Green, and the other half for Mr. Newton.  There is still more wood brought out from the Lot to Beeton’s: the charge for cutting and sledding out so far, he throws in, and we part in peace. One Mr. Wm. Parkhurse of Coi’s Hill, calls to inform that on Monday deceased and yesterday was buryed Mr. Benjamin Bradshaw at Brookfield!!!  May God graciously support all of us under this His holy Stroke!  Especially may my Grand Daughter have grace to improve suitably this Sorrowful Bereavement!  At eve Mr. Eli Whitney and Mr. Elisha Parker here, and desire me to appoint a Singing Lecture, and to write to Mr. Sumner to come and preach it: on Thursday next (the 4th of February) at 2 p.m.  Breck, Suse with her Baby, Molly Pratt, go in a Double Sleigh, and Mr. Elijah Brigham and Sophy are with them to Mr. Daniel Grout’s at Grafton.  Elias and Timothy to the Singing School (as hearers) at Mr. Barn. Newton’s.  We have the sad news that Mr. Peter Adams, heretofore of this Town (son of the late Mr. Eliphalet Adams) was suddenly killed by the Falling of a Tree, at New Guildford N. H.  May God sanctifie so awful a Dispensation to all Survivors, and in particular to the mournful Widow (who was Susanna Pratt of this place) and her Orphan Children!