September 16, 1776

1776 September 16 (Monday).  This Day I improved mainly in Reviews and Recollections — in Gratulations, Humiliations and Petitions: having abundant Cause for all of these.  But I am astonished at the Longsuffering of God and my own Ingratitude to Him; who has endured me through so many Years; and now allows me this Day to begin my 74th.  I ardently wish it may be to the divine Glory; and that I may be indeed ready for the Awful summons hence!  Apprehending there would be Opportunity to Send to Cape Ann I wrote to my Son Forbes; and was up till past 12.  N.B. The Companys of Militia assemble, Orders being come for 23 men to hasten away to Horseneck N. York.  But men are not voluntary because no Time is set for their Return.