September 15, 1776

1776 September 15 (Sunday).  [Marginal notation: New York was entered and seized by the Kings Forces Sept. 15.]  When James Hicks went to the Cow yard for the Cows in the Morning, to drive them to the House to be milked, a young Cow (called the White Face) was fallen down dead, out Side the Cow Yard, an upper Rail down not far from the Place where she lay.  Sent for Deacon Wood, who with Joseph Chamberlin came [and bleed?] her.  Preached before the Communion on 1 Cor., carrying on, with Additions, Sermon on v. 57 begun lately on Occasion of Several Deaths.  Administered the Lords Supper.  Mrs. Maynard and Miss Suse Brigham dined here.  P.M. on Isa. [illegible] May God accept and succeed!  I was [mindful of its being the?] Conclusion of my 73d Year.  May God grant [illegible] [and affected herewith.  O that?] I might close the Year as I might wish to close my Life!  Exercising true and living Faith in God and in Jesus Christ, [repenting?] and mourning truely and bitterly for [illegible] and depending on the [Blood?] and Merits of [torn] Christ for Pardon, Justification [illegible] Sanctification, Committing my Soul and Body for Time and Eternity [illegible] [to him who made,?] redeemed and would humbly hope has received me May his Work be perfected, that I may be prepared for, and Admitted to His heavenly eternal Kingdom!