September 3, 1776

1776 September 3 (Tuesday).  We have variety of Occurrences for One Day.  Breck brings Miss Suse Brigham to dinner, and then p.m. setts out with her to go to Providence; Commencement to be there tomorrow.  Mrs. Wilder of Ashburnham, her Sister Smith of Southborough and Miss Sally Wilder must needs, in their coming from Mendon hither, meet my son etc. on the Road.  They dine here, though late; and after Several Hours go to Southborough.  An Account by Capt. Morse last night from Worcester, that there had been a Battle at New York last Week, and many Slain is for the Substance of it confirmed by Mr. Smith from Mendon by two young Men, One of them Son of Maj. Smith, who were [newly?] come from New York, who relate the like.  May God the Judge of all the Earth, appear for our Help!  Elijah [Bruce?] (of 16 years) works for me p.m. in raking etc. and lodges here.  Elias carts home two load Hay.