September 2, 1776

1776 September 2 (Monday).  Mr. Samuel Hardy works for me: mowing at Interval.  Col. Buckminster and his Lady here in their Way to Rutland.  Read the History of Louisiana (translated) by M. le Page du Pratz, in 2 vol: London, printed 1763.  Visited Mrs. Andrews.  She is now so weak that She can Speak but little.  She seems to have Hope in God though Christ.  I discoursed to her, and prayed with her.  Elias Carts one Load of Hay.

September 3, 1776

1776 September 3 (Tuesday).  We have variety of Occurrences for One Day.  Breck brings Miss Suse Brigham to dinner, and then p.m. setts out with her to go to Providence; Commencement to be there tomorrow.  Mrs. Wilder of Ashburnham, her Sister Smith of Southborough and Miss Sally Wilder must needs, in their coming from Mendon hither, meet my son etc. on the Road.  They dine here, though late; and after Several Hours go to Southborough.  An Account by Capt. Morse last night from Worcester, that there had been a Battle at New York last Week, and many Slain is for the Substance of it confirmed by Mr. Smith from Mendon by two young Men, One of them Son of Maj. Smith, who were [newly?] come from New York, who relate the like.  May God the Judge of all the Earth, appear for our Help!  Elijah [Bruce?] (of 16 years) works for me p.m. in raking etc. and lodges here.  Elias carts home two load Hay.

September 4, 1776

1776 September 4 (Wednesday).  Mr. Nathan Maynard has not worked much for me of late, but Mr. Warrin has Stuck by my Business and to Day they cart home two load and therewith finish Haying.  N.B. last Year we made an End a Month sooner, viz. Aug. 5.  Nigh Evening I visited Mrs. Andrews, who is yet alive though very low and unable to speak much: She was not able even to bear much Discourse with her.  I prayed with her and took final Leave.  N.B. In going to Mr. Andrews Deacon Stow of Grafton accompanyed me.  Every body is full of the News from New York.  Capt. Morse having been last night here and requested I would write a Letter for him to Henry Marble, from whom he had received a notable one; which he brings to me, I wrote an answer and sent it by his Son Abner.

September 12, 1776

1776 September 12 (Thursday).  Breck goes to the Hospital at Uxbridge to be inoculated.  Mr. P. Whitney (I hear) has appointed a Lecture to day on Occasion of reading the Declaration of Independency but my Affairs and Circumstances would not admitt of my attending it.  I could not have an Horse — had divers men to work — my Boy was needed to carry Rails and Posts, but could not without my Direction etc. etc.  At Eve came Mr. Solomon Parsons of Cape Ann-Harbour, and his Wife was with him.  They brought me a Letter from Mr. Forbes of 9 September informing that Mrs. Coffin has had another Daughter.  They also lodge here.

September 15, 1776

1776 September 15 (Sunday).  [Marginal notation: New York was entered and seized by the Kings Forces Sept. 15.]  When James Hicks went to the Cow yard for the Cows in the Morning, to drive them to the House to be milked, a young Cow (called the White Face) was fallen down dead, out Side the Cow Yard, an upper Rail down not far from the Place where she lay.  Sent for Deacon Wood, who with Joseph Chamberlin came [and bleed?] her.  Preached before the Communion on 1 Cor., carrying on, with Additions, Sermon on v. 57 begun lately on Occasion of Several Deaths.  Administered the Lords Supper.  Mrs. Maynard and Miss Suse Brigham dined here.  P.M. on Isa. [illegible] May God accept and succeed!  I was [mindful of its being the?] Conclusion of my 73d Year.  May God grant [illegible] [and affected herewith.  O that?] I might close the Year as I might wish to close my Life!  Exercising true and living Faith in God and in Jesus Christ, [repenting?] and mourning truely and bitterly for [illegible] and depending on the [Blood?] and Merits of [torn] Christ for Pardon, Justification [illegible] Sanctification, Committing my Soul and Body for Time and Eternity [illegible] [to him who made,?] redeemed and would humbly hope has received me May his Work be perfected, that I may be prepared for, and Admitted to His heavenly eternal Kingdom!

September 16, 1776

1776 September 16 (Monday).  This Day I improved mainly in Reviews and Recollections — in Gratulations, Humiliations and Petitions: having abundant Cause for all of these.  But I am astonished at the Longsuffering of God and my own Ingratitude to Him; who has endured me through so many Years; and now allows me this Day to begin my 74th.  I ardently wish it may be to the divine Glory; and that I may be indeed ready for the Awful summons hence!  Apprehending there would be Opportunity to Send to Cape Ann I wrote to my Son Forbes; and was up till past 12.  N.B. The Companys of Militia assemble, Orders being come for 23 men to hasten away to Horseneck N. York.  But men are not voluntary because no Time is set for their Return.

September 17, 1776

1776 September 17 (Tuesday).  Attended Ministers Meeting at [illegible].  Only Messrs. Bridge, Whitney and Biglow, there.  Mr. Stone prayed, and delivered a Concio, on Mat. 6.10, first part, “Thy Kingdom come.”  Next Meeting Marlborough.  When I returned home Mr. Daniel Forbes junior came here having killed and Sold my fat Steers which he drove to Maj. Whittemores; he delivered me 9£ lawful and 9/ old.  N.B. He informs me that his uncle Forbes was (as he [illegible] conceives) marryed last Lords Evening to the Widow Saunders, where he once boarded.  But his [illegible] Law Coffin, does not like.  The new marryed have Set out by Land for [Falmouth?] Coffin and wife with [illegible] try again and Succeed.

September 20, 1776

1776 September 20 (Friday).  Mr. Bradshaw comes in the Morning to Breakfast.  He is going to Byfield, or Newbury about his Brother Parkman Bradshaws going to New-Haven College.  Elias helps me part of the Day, in mending the Fence joining to Mr. David Maynard at the Interval.  Hannah rides to Marlborough on Elias’s Account Still.  We took up but one Hive of Bees, there being but little Honey in it — have but little profit in keeping them.

September 21, 1776

1776 September 21 (Saturday).  Received Mr. Frost’s Letter of the 19 containing an Account of his going down to Cambridge with Elias and Hastings, their Examination and being Accepted by the President and Fellows: also his Accompt of Board and Tutoring; which latter amounted to 3£ 6.8 Lawful Money.  N.B. Capt. Morse who is going with 20 Men to Horse-neck, came to me yesterday to request in his own Name and of Others, that I would preach to them tomorrow.

September 22, 1776

1776 September 22 (Sunday).  Preached a.m. from Ps. 2.8 on Occasion of our Contribution to day.  Suse Brigham dined here.  P.M. preached on Prov. 23.14, latter part, with an Address to the Soldiers.  Contribution for propagation etc. in Africa which amounted to £4.7.10 Lawful Money, which may God graciously accept!  Received a Letter from Col. Baldwin at Ticonderoga, dated Sept. 15.  In the Evening wrote to Alexander at New York.

September 23, 1776

1776 September 23 (Monday).  Send a Letter per Mr. John Beeton to my son Alexander at Chelsea, New York.  Received one this same forenoon from Him at Chelsea, in which he informs that he has been sick 3 weeks of the Dysentery; but is better.  By [Other?] Letters from Soldiers [near New?] York it appears that they have a very hard time of it, and are sadly [gained?] upon; are nigh giving up the [illegible].  Mr. Nathan [Fisher?] writes that [illegible] what Soldiering meant till now.  At Eve Mr. [illegible] Gleason was here, and gave me 3/6 lawful for his Contribution to the African Cause, which added to the above is £4.11.4.  Add 8d more, £4.12.0.

September 24, 1776

1776 September 24 (Tuesday).  Mr. Thaddeus Warrin [here.  I?] reckoned with him for his Work in getting my [torn] paid him all.  Also Mr. Nathan Maynard was here, and I reckoned with him.  I Paid him likewise in full.  P.M. rode to Capt. Maynards who upon mention of Mr. Fessenden and the Counterfeit Bill told me that if I would let him, he would manage that whole Affair and he would give me as much as I was in danger of loosing by the Bill.  I told him I would not deliver the Bill as a good Bill, because It had been already [illegible].  He replyed that he did not desire I Should nor would he bring me into any Snare.  He gave me a thirty Shilling and a ten Shilling Bill L.M.  I went to Mr. Maynards and told him I was ready to deliver him his Money but he rather [inclined?] that I Should give it to Mr. Jotham Maynard.  Therefore I did not deliver it to him.  Called to see Mrs. Godfry and also old Mrs. Kelly.

September 25, 1776

1776 September 25 (Wednesday).  A Chest, and Sundry utensils are provided for Elias to keep Chamber in College.  Letters arrive from the Camp near New York, of Sorrowful Struggles there, and Reports of a Smart Battle — that the City N.Y. is given up, and many lives lost.  Capt. Davis of Concord dined with me.  Visit old Mrs. Sarah Forbush and Prayed with her.  Was at Frosts and paid him for his son Jonathans work 17/6 old Tenor.  N.B. 2/6 yet due.

September 26, 1776

1776 September 26 (Thursday).  Walked up into the Street, anxious for the public state.  Sent a verbal message to Alexander by Mr. [illegible] Mixer, a Suttler from Framingham going to the Camp.  Was with Squire Baker and acquainted him that Capt. Maynard had undertaken to Settle my Difficulty with Fessenden.  N.B. Elisha Forbes has disappointed Elias in going to Cambridge without taking his [blot] Table etc. as Elias says he had promised him.  Mr. [Gleason?] of Leicester and his Wife, dined here.  At Night marryed Eliezer Pratt junior to Mary Druce of Grafton and John Beeton junior to Eunice Hill.

September 30, 1776

1776 September 30 (Monday).  Mr. Stone came home in the Chaise in which my son Elias rides.  He takes me in (it is Mr. Barnabas Newtons Chaise and Squire Bakers Horse) and we go to Newtown.  Called at Coll. Buckminsters, and refreshed.  Dined at Deacon Browns.  Called again at Mr. Woodwards (where I saw Mr. Roberts and his Sister How).  Went over the Bridge at Waltham.  Called at Mrs. Hastings’s — but she was not at home, and her Son Aaron was at College: I proceeded to Mrs. Gibbs’s, She having often Sent me her Request, and we very agreeably lodged there.  N.B. Mr. Eddy there, having lived there these Seven Years.  Thus closes this Month — “So teach us, Lord: th’uncertain sum of our short Days to mind etc.”