1775 May 9 (Tuesday). In the morning came my Son Baldwin from Mr. Gales Tavern, whither he came last night from Cambridge. N.B. I gave him 25/ old Tenor, to be delivered to Mr. Isaiah Thomas, Printer at Worcester, for his Spy. Moses Brigham is about to return to Dartmouth College; improve therefore the Opportunity by him, to write to Mr. Cushing of my Cousen Loyds Consent to the proposal made by my Daughter to take her Nabby, of 9 years old, to live with her. Mr. Isaac Pratt of Worcester and his Wife came in to see us and dined here. P.M. I rode to Mr. Nathaniel Whitneys, agreeable to his son’s invitation when they raised a Barn of 65 feet long; and without any Disaster; Blessed be God! Plentifull Entertainment after work, And in peace; no lisp of any Jarrs. May God be praised for this also!