March 24, 1775

1775 March 24 (Friday).  In preparation for an intended Journey to Boston, was at Deacon Woods for some of his Wife’s Assistance.  Received another Letter from Mr. Forbes, dated the 20th (the Day before the last, which was the 21st) that “moment” whilst She was actually “under the painfull Operation of the 2d hard Plaister, and is as full of pain as She can well bear, though She endures (he writes) with more patience and fortitude than I feared.  The Doctor says all Things work very kindly, and he doubts not with the Blessing of God he shall be able to effect a Cure: but will require some time, at least two Months.  At present she is extremely agitated.  Last Night she had no sleep, and this Night (Sabbath 2 o’Clock) She has been much worse — but by the help of an Anodyne she gets a little sleep — hope She will be supported and carryed through — I am encouraged, but verily Sir, it is hard Work — and we hope in God.”  “Six o’Clock in the Morning.  We have got through the Night.  It has been pritty distressing, though through the great Goodness of God mine and your dear Molly has had several refreshing Naps of Sleep, and is now Comfortable — and does not expect to have any more of these hard Plaisters for a Week or ten Days, and I hope the worst is past.  However, Sufficient to the Day is the Evil thereof.”