1774 November 13 (Sunday). God is gracious and compassionate, and allows me to see another sabbath. It begins the Sabbath of a New Year with us and a New Jubilee. The Lord be magnifyed! I am Somewhat Supported, and assisted, or I could do nothing. I went to Meeting Early — there was but one man (Mr. Thomas Frost) and 2 Boys there, yet it was past 10. I break off the public Reading; for I understand that one thing mentioned at the late Town Meeting as disquieting to some is my public Reading the Scriptures; though I have generally offered Something by way of Exposition — [or?] to open what was difficult therein. Preached a. and p.m. on the Acceptable year of the Lord, Isa. 61.2, with Such applications as were proper to the present Occasion. Master Jenison and Holland at dinner with us. P.M. preached on Ps. 23.6. May God help me to repair to Him, for this Grace that may qualify me for these invaluable Favours, and that I may have the Comfort of this Faith and Confidence in God! May I also resolve in the Strength of God that I will continue in His Service as long as I exist, and never desert His Sanctuary! Received a letter from Mr. Sumner requesting my help at a Fast.