November 7, 1774

1774 November 7 (Monday).  An Important Day!  The Day that concludes the 50th Year Since the gathering the Church and Since my ordination.  I desire to be duely affected with it. May the God of infinite Mercy pardon my many Offences, and blot out all my Transgressions!  The Town met and, for what Reasons, they have not signifyed to me, they have not only not granted me my Wood, but they would grant me no support (as they are wont to call it).  They have reduced me to the naked sallery of 55£ Lawful Money.  At Eve Messrs. Daniel Forbes, Joseph Harrington and Eli Whitney were here and, afterwards Capt. B. Fay; and (the three former also) much on Several Things which they think the Church ought to take Cognizance of, which I was, my self, desirous they Should consider; namely the Case of Mrs. Eunice Rice, and Mr. Samuel Fays long Absence from public worship, and from Special Ordinances.  But they added that there was a young woman from Bolton, now married and come among us, and it would be needful to see whether she might have communion among us.  I was sorry to have these Things to interrupt my Mind this Evening — but I, nevertheless, consented that if they prepared for it, there might be a Meeting of the Church for these purposes: and I told them I was willing to gratfie them in any thing wherein I reasonably might.  Capt. Fay informed me that the People desired we might assemble on Lords Days at 10 of the Clock in the fore noon for public worship.