March 2, 1774

1774 March 2 (Wednesday).  In Compliance with the Request of Aged Mr. Charles Stimpson of Hopkinton as Communicated to me by Letter from Mr. Fitch and brought me by Mrs. Barrett on the 25th ult., I rode over to Hopkinton — but the Roads were so full of Snow, and the weather lowery, I chose to go in my Sleigh, and took Breck with me to drive.  Called at Mr. Barretts Door — he and his wife were going over to Mr. Fitch’s.  We proceeded there, and having taken Refreshment Mr. Fitch went with me in the Sleigh (instead of Breck) to Mr. Stimpsons, but it was difficult getting to the House, by reason of the deep snow.  Mr. Stimpson I found in a very weak and languishing Condition; but in much Darkness and Distress of mind.  Examined and assisted him as I could, and prayed with him and for him. He appeared to have good Tokens.  I therefore endeavored to Strengthen and comfort, while I also admonished and Cautioned him. When I returned to Mr. Fitch’s I resisted all Importunity to tarry, but though it was about 6 o’Clock we hastened home, lest tomorrow Should be worse.  We arrived at about half after Seven, and without Harm. Glory to God our Preserver. N.B. Mr. Barrett gave me Dr. Owen of the true Nature of a Gospel Church and its Government, a Quarto.  This is the 2d part of the Design, the 1st part of which I have had some Years.

March 3, 1774

1774 March 3 (Thursday).  Mr. James Godfry came to desire me to go over to Mr. Davis’s to marry his Brother Daniel of Lancaster, to Ruth Bellows.  Went and officiated.  Had unexpected plentifull Entertainment.  I earnestly pray they may have the gracious presence of God with them and His Blessing on them.  As Ruth has been so much One of my own Family I have great Tenderness towards her.

March 5, 1774

1774 March 5 (Saturday).  This I conceive is a Day of Concourse at Boston, when the honorable Mr. Hancock, at 12 o’Clock delivers an Oration etc. etc.  Mr. Jacob Biglow of Sudbury going to Sutton calls and dines.  He informs me of the Death of the Honorable Lieutenant Governour Olivers Death.  That he dyed last Monday, between 5 and 6 in the morn in the 68th year of his Age.  I have known him from a Boy: always appeared Sober and pious, but his political Conduct has rendered him obnoxious to the severe Resentments of the People.  May God Sanctifie this Death to all in the Magistracy — and may I have a right Estimate of Life, and be continually in preparation for Death!

March 6, 1774

1774 March 6 (Sunday).  Master Taylor came in the morning and preached for me both Parts of the Day.  A.M. on 2 Pet.1.10. P.M. on Ps. 95.7. I prayed both before and after the latter sermon.  May a gracious God accept and grant Success, for His own Name’s Sake: and for the Sake of the infinite Merits of Jesus Christ!  I hope the Sermons were well received by the Hearers. The Lord make this His servant a great Blessing! He returned at Evening to his Lodging, though it rained.

March 8, 1774

1774 March 8 (Tuesday).  Went to Deacon Woods.  Received of him £12.18 old tenor which was in full.  Read to him some sentences of a Letter I this Day received from Mr. Cushing, concerning the Crazy Isaac Jones who preached a while agoe in this Town.  In the Evening received a Letter from Mr. Thomas Kendal at Dartmouth New Hampshire, who had been at [Caguadraga?].


March 10, 1774

1774 March 10 (Thursday).  Visit old Lt. Bruce whose Cancer prevails in his Nose and right Cheek and his wife who is very aged and dropsical.  Discoursed and prayed with them. At Eve Mr. Seth Morse paid me thirty one pounds on the Account of boarding workmen at the Meeting House; but I gave him a Receipt in full, he promising to pay me the remainder (of a few shillings) hereafter.

March 11, 1774

1774 March 11[1] (Friday).  Young Mr. Hutchinson going to preach at Concord, calls here.  Sent by him a Letter to my Son William with an 100£ old tenor which he requested me to lend him.  Last Evening heard of the Death of old Mr. Joseph Stratton of Waltham; may God Sanctifie this to survivors — to Me that I may be ever ready for the Awful Hour!

[1]Waltham Vital Records, 292, give the death of Joseph Stratton on March 10, 1776, in 86th year, citing gravestone record.

March 13, 1774

1774 March 13 (Sunday).  Preached a. and p.m. on Act. 26.20.  And may it please God to grant a Blessing to accompany what has been delivered!  Especially to Me that I may be excited by the Holy Spirit to a true sense of Sin — what an Evil and what a Bitter Thing it is!  Miss Mary Bradish dined here.  Mr. D. Batherick informs me that Mr. Hannaniah Parkers wife dyed about 11 o’Clock a.m.  She has lain in a low state about 4 Months.  The Lord Support and direct his bereaved Servant,  Shew Mercy to the Children, and make us all to know our End!


March 14, 1774

1774 March 14 (Monday).  In the morning Mr. Levi Warrin came for Dr. Hawes in all haste, who went with greatest speed to Mr. Seth Morse’s wife and then came for me to go to her, being in a despairing condition and had taken some Coperas.  She says what was delivered in the sermon yesterday, was directly to her.  She had now no Business to stay here any longer — no Desires of Good etc. I discoursed and prayed with her — but she was little altered.  In the Eve came young Mr. Hutchinson from Billy and brings his Note.  He lodged here.

March 23, 1774

1774 March 23 (Wednesday).  Mr. Forbes and Mr. Maynard go to Boston.  I visited and prayed with old Lt. Bruce and his Wife.  Went to Southborough Lecture. Dined at Mr. Stones.  Mr. Smith there and Mr. Mathew Bridge who preached — on Isa. 53.10.  Dr. Hemingway was among us: heard of the Sudden Death of the Rev. Mr. Thomas Jones, Minister of part of Woburn.  O may I be ready also!  N.B. Mr. Jacob Gibs requests of Mr. Stone and Me, that our Sermons at the Fast at his House, together with Mr. Fitch’s Some time after at the Same place, might be printed.  Returning at Eve found Squire Dorr and Master Taylor here.  The former lodged.

March 26, 1774

1774 March 26 (Saturday).  Mr. Nathan Kenny is under infirmity of Body and in Gloominess of Mind, Sent for me yesterday, but it was too stormy for me to go out.  I was obliged to go today; found him very Sad; much afflicted with evil Thoughts — told me that however, he was not hopeless.  I directed, Supported and exhorted him, as I could and prayed with him as the Sorrowful Case required. But by Such interruptions of my Studys, I was obliged to have the greater Dependence on Mr. Forbes return from Boston, and preaching for Me, as I have requested him to do.

March 30, 1774

1774 March 30 (Wednesday).  I carryed Mrs. P________ to Mr. Samuel Fays.  It happened that he was not at home. We called also to see Miss Dilly Fay, who is Sick, and is poor.  We went to Mr. Gleasons and I left her there, She declining to go with me to Shrewsbury.  I dined at Mr. Sumners.  Mr. Buckminster (the young Gentleman) was there.  I persuaded him to preach in my stead, the public Lecture.  He performed very agreeably and profitably. His Text 1 Cor. 5.8.  I returned to Mr. Gleasons, and took up my Wife and came home in safety.  D.G.