1772 August 17 (Monday). Mr. Samuel Fay came with warm Resolutions and Threats, to my son Breck — demanding 5£ lawful Money for his dead Horse. I endeavoured to pacify him, and entreated some Forbearance, which he condescended to. My Argument with him to perswade him to Lenity was, my being obliged to go to Grafton immediately. Dined at Mr. Hutchinsons and Attended the Church meeting at Grafton. Prayed — and then we proceeded to the Business of the Meeting, viz. to see whether they did accept of the Result of the Venerable Council of June 9th last. Which was voted in the Affirmative. Then voted to keep a Day of Fasting etc. on Wednesday next come 3 Weeks: and to request the 4 Ministers which had been recommended to them by the Council to perform the Services thereof. And finally this Meeting was adjourned to the Monday preceeding the Fast. The Meeting was concluded by Prayer. I designed to have returned home but night came on, and the Rain increased, so that I tarried at Mr. Hutchinsons and lodged comfortably there.