June 1, 1771

1771 June 1 (Saturday).  Mr. Adams, I perceive, is just upon marriage to Dr. Chauncys Daughter.  I called at Mr. Cushings at Waltham to write to Alexander by one Mr. William Brakenridge of Ware.  Dined at Mr. Woodwards.  Called at Mr. (now elected Deacon) Browns, to acquaint him with what I had done, and writ to Alexander.  Made opportunity to confer with Col. Taylor upon the Case of Alexander with reference to the persons who bought the Stolen Cloth of Jones.  His answer the Same as Messrs. Sewal, Quincy, Kent, Coll. Elisha Jones etc., viz., that Alexander pay them no farthing, they being to blame, and rather liable to Action; and nothing to any Officer in bringing the Villain to punishment.  Unless my son shall get so much for him as to defray his own Charges, which must be looked to and satisfyed first.  Old Mr. Gale my Company from Col. Taylors, as far as his Sons.  Arrived safe, and my Tabernacle in Peace.  Thanks be to God for His Goodness!  Mr. Levi Warren came with his own and his Wife’s Relation.  N.B. Breck has put up almost all the Pale Fence before the House.

July 1, 1771

1771 July 1 (Monday).  Joseph returned from Hopkinton.  He begins to mowe.  Elias also mowes with him.  I rode to Mr. Snow’s to see his Wife who is very low — being in great Distress with her Throat — scarce able to swallow the thinest Liquid.  Prayed with them.  Dr. Wilson, Hawes, Joslin came, and they expect Dr. Flynt.  At Eve received Ashmole of the Knights of the Garter.