March 2, 1770

1770 March 2 (Friday).  Dr. Hawes brought home my Sleigh from Mr. Warrins, strengthened, but the new work not Painted.  Elias (of Brookfield) to school.  Mr. Benjamin Garfield here and dined.  Am but poorly.  My Son Baldwin, having been at Boston, returns this Way.  Confirms the Sorrowful story of Ebenezer Richardsons Shooting among the Boys, gathered about his House, and killed a Lad of about 11 Years, and was committed to Goal.

March 5, 1770

1770 March 5 (Monday).  Town Meet.  Was desired to go and pray with them which I did; and after Prayer I, from the stairs, Spoke to them, wishing the Presence of God and good Success, that they might have Wisdom and unanimity.  I gave Charge that those who were to be Sworn, would fear the Oath, and take heed to perform that Act of worship in Spirit and in Truth.  Also would observe to them the growing Evil of resorting to the Tavern and prayed they would not any more than was necessary.  I took this Opportunity, moreover, to manifest my Gratitude for their Kindness to me respecting Wood — that with what was already brought and what I had reason further to expect, I believed there would be a good sufficiency for the Year, and would render my Circumstances Comfortable, for which I offered my hearty acknowledgment to them.  Gave Notes to sundry persons that I was indebted to.


Viz. To Mr. Seth Morse for Beef and Tallow, £9.1.6 old Tenor.

To Mr. Daniel Stockwell Shooemaker, 12.2.0 Ditto.

To Solomon Batherick for Rails and thrashing, 51/ Do.

March 6, 1770

1770 March 6 (Tuesday).  Dr. Hawes accommodates me and Mrs. P________ with his Sleigh (my own not coloured in the new work, yet that would not have hindered using it, but he rode hither in his and it was ready tackled) and his Horse, for Mrs. P________ was afraid either to ride with mine in the sleigh or on the Doctors single; the Doctor therefore rode mine, to the Family Meeting at Mr. Daniel Forbes’s; where I preached on Act. 13.36, former part to page 9, omitting the 5th particular in p. 7 and 8.  Which may God bless to us!  Brought home 20 lb. of Flax which Mr. Forb. bought for me of a Flax-man from Western @ 5/ per pound.

March 9, 1770

1770 March 9 (Friday).  Squire Whipple here to desire me to go and See his Grandson Francis, who is very ill of the Throat Distemper.  I went, Spoke with the Child — prayed — returned a.m.  P.M. rode to See old Mr. Dunlop who Seems somewhat easier and freer — Sits up and smokes his pipe.  Says he is doing all he can (for his Salvation).  Prayed with him.  Attend the Funeral of a fourth of Mr. Gashitts Children.

March 12, 1770

1770 March 12 (Monday).  Attended the Funeral of Francis Whipple tertius and prayed.  Was desired to go to Mr. Phinehas Gleasons, to See his little son Josiah who has the Throat Distemper.  Went — and conversed with them and prayed.  Visit also Mrs. Deliverance Fays Daughter who is Sick, and prayed with her.  Visit at Mr. Samuel Fays, whose Children, a Number of them, have been sick of the terrible Distemper but are better.  Dined at home, notwithstanding.  Reckoned with Capt. Jonathan Fay, and paid him.  At Eve Mr. Samuel Fay here.

March 14, 1770

1770 March 14 (Wednesday).  Mr. Whitney came — dined — preached the Lecture on Amos 6.1, first part, “Wo to them that are at Ease in Zion.”  May God succeed!  Dr. Hawes, Mr. Tainter and his wife here after Meeting.  A Sad Report of Mr. Thomas Temple’s Conduct at Mr. Edwards Whipples the night before last.  A Warrant has been issued to apprehend him for his abusing his Neighbour Mr. Edmund Rice.

March 15, 1770

1770 March 15 (Thursday).  Visit Mr. Thomas Whitney’s Child, sick of a Fever.  Mr. Gleasons little Josiah, of 5 Years old, dies of the Throat Distemper.  I dined at Rev. Whitney’s.  Mr. Morse and his Wife, and Mr. Sumner there.  Mr. Morse preached on 1 Cor. 11.29.  A very useful Exercise: which may God bless!  N.B. Mr. Morse and I, after Meeting, and Mr. Dummer being by, had some Discourse concerning the Difference which prevents their Harmony and Communion as Ministers etc.  Mr. Whitney has a very great stone for his Front Door.  In returning called to see Mrs. Martyn.  When I came home Mr. Eli Whitney here.  He tells me that there has been a Court held to Day at Squire Whipple’s.  E. Rice and Temple agree.  Also Widow Martha Warrin and Temple, who had defamed her, agree.

March 16, 1770

1770 March 16 (Friday).  Capt. Fay came to call me to visit his grand Daughter, Polly Wood, who is sick, tis feared, of the Throat Distemper.  And I hear of Several more that are taken with it.  Went and prayed there.  My son Cushing from Ashburnham came.  He left his wife better.  Waited on his Mother yesterday from Ashburnham to Shrewsbury.  P.M. Went to Mr. Phinehas Gleasons who burys his little son Josiah.  Prayed there.  Divers other Children in several Familys are taken sick.  Mr. Edmund Rice requests me to go to his House.  His son Edmund and Daughter Dolly are ill.  Went, prayed there.  Called to see Mr. Amasa Maynards little Bernice: and Mr. Joseph Bonds Patty.  Prayed with the last.  Mr. Daniel Forbes here at Eve and pays me £32.10 old Tenor in Cash.

March 17, 1770

1770 March 17 (Saturday).  I have been attempting to prepare one Sermon, at least, for the Sabbath — but by reason of various Avocations and interruptions, could not finish it.  Mr. Cushing is returning to Ashburnham.  Gave him Six Dollars to be delivered to Mrs. Winchester of Ashburnham for Six Chairs bought of her for Sarah.  P.M. Mrs. Martha Temple (Wife of Mr. Thomas) came here to complain of Mrs. Martha Warrin for defaming her Husband.  The said Mrs. Warrin here also.  And Mr. Daniel Warrin to assist his Cousen.  But I refused to hear their Contests, the Communion being So near approching, and there having been no preparatory Steps taken, and no room to lay their Matters before the Church: Neither could I be any further disturbed by them and therefore dismissed them all.

March 18, 1770

1770 March 18 (Sunday).  Delivered the last sermon on 1 Cor. 11.23 to 26, especially on 24.  Administered the Lords supper.  Mr. Parker, Deacon Bond, Mrs. Maynard dined here.  Mr. Parker prayed and preached p.m., his Text Rom. 1.18.  Began to sing the 2d Time in the Afternoon Exercise.  At Eve read in the Family the latter part of Mr. Henrys Discourse on Ps. 25.5.

March 19, 1770

1770 March 19 (Monday).  Visit Mr. John Woods little Daughter Polly again and prayed.  Mr. Nurse brings me a Kegg of [blank] Gallons of Molasses, bought for me by Mr. John Maynard.  P.M. I rode to Mr. James Maynards to See his Daughter Lock’s Children, Nancy and Fort., who have the Throat Distemper.  I prayed there.  Visit Mr. Amasa Maynards Children, viz. Bernice, Loretta and Cloedicea, which have the Same.  Prayed there also.  Mr. Edmund Rice acquaints me with the Death of his Daughter Dolly last night, about 11 o’Clock.  When I returned home, found Mr. Forbes and with him Messrs. Fisk of Brookfield and Mr. Enos Hitchcock who preaches at Paxton.  Mr. Forbes tells us that Ebenezer has called his last Son Benjamin.  Brings the uncomfortable News of Alexanders shop being broke open while he was at Westborough etc., that he had lost about 30 yards of Cloth, and was in pursuit of the Thief who was gone into Connecticut.  A Letter also from John.  Mr. F. goes to his Sister Kendals; the other Gentlemen lodge here.

March 21, 1770

1770 March 21 (Wednesday).  Deacon Wood here a.m.  His grand Child Polly is better.  He sows Hay seed for me, West of the Meeting House.  This Day (March 21) is the Day for the solemn Inauguration of the Rev. Mr. Samuel Lock, President of Harvard College: whom may the Father of Lights yet further endow and enrich with all needed Gifts and Graces, and make an illustrious Blessing in that important Trust!  Am diligently employed in preparing for Tomorrow.

March 22, 1770

1770 March 22 (Thursday).  Sir Coffin (Peter of Cape Ann) here, going to Brookfield.  I rode to the Fast at Marlborough, on account of Mr. Smiths illness.  Mr. Josiah Bridge opened the Solemnity with Pertinent and fervent prayer.  Mr. Stone preached a very excellent Sermon Suitable for the Solemn Occasion, on Isa. 33.24.  P.M. Mr. Goss prayed: I preached on Phil. 2.27.  Which may God accept and Succeed!  Mr. Smith notwithstanding his Grievous Distresses was at Meeting with us a. and p.m.  At Eve I returned home, though it snowed all the Way.  Squire Whipple accompanyed me.  We called in an Neighbour Andrews to warm us: and they treated us with great Civility.

March 25, 1770

1770 March 25 (Sunday).  Another Child of Mr. Edmund Rice is dead; and another still at the point of Death.  I Read publickly Ezek. XI.  Preached on Ps. 90.5.7 on Consideration of the Mortality among Children and upon hearing so sorrowful Accounts of the Sickness aforesaid.  I laid aside my new preparations for the p.m. and repeated the Rest of the Discourse on Ps. 90.5.7.  Read 2 Cor. 10.  Mr. Parker dined with us.  At Eve read part of Mr. Henrys Discourse on Closing the Day with God.

March 26, 1770

1770 March 26 (Monday).  A Dog came into my Beeton Field, which appears to be mad — is Strangely affected — acts very oddly — froths much at the mouth etc. etc.  Several Neighbours came.  Tis concluded to be Duty to Kill him.  Joseph McCulloch Shot him — then dragged him off from the Road.  P.M. Attended the Funeral of Sarah Rice, a little infirm Daughter of Mr. Edmund Rice, which dyed of the Throat Distemper: and Several more of the Children are ill.  Prayed there; and in returning by Mr. James Maynard went in to his Daughter Locks Children, one of which is very bad.  Prayed with them.  Deacon Wood accompanying me back, we called in to see Mr. Williams and prayed with him.

March 29, 1770

1770 March 29 (Thursday).  Catechized at the Meeting House a. and p.m.  46 Boys and 14 girls.  The Roads very muddy.  Mr. Forbes from Boston dines here.  Lend him the 4th Vol. of Casuistical Morning Exercises.  He goes to his Sister Joanna’s — returns here and then hastens to Worcester in his way home.  Ruth Bellows rides my young Horse to Capt. Wards and pays him for me 5£ old Tenor.  I let Neighbour Nurse have two or more hundred of Hay.

March 31, 1770

1770 March 31 (Saturday).  Having agreed with Mr. John Wood to give him my French Dictionary, with Some Consideration, for his which is a later Edition, I Sent mine to him, with Pantons Speculum Juventutis, neatly bound, gilt and lettered; which I conclude satisfies him.  I have not received the Proclamation for the Fast till to day.  Squire Whipple brought it from Col. Chandlers at Worcester.