1768 August 31 (Wednesday). Rode to Mr. Jonah Warrins and buy of him a parcel of Boards. Some oak — some pitch pine, amounting to 447: and a parcel of slit work, about 30 feet. Thence to Forbes’s Saw Mill for more slitwork which I buy of Mr. Zebulon Rice. They were 80 feet. Mr. Whipple and son, Mr. Batherick and Rich Temple work at the Frame. We p.m. 3 or 4 o’Clock Summons Hands to help raise, Mr. Whipple Supposing he shall be ready, and that 14 or 15 Hands can accomplish it. But we make it night before we begin. 25 persons are waiting — 28 or 29 in all, to entertain; but got the Frame up.