August 30, 1768

1768 August 30 (Tuesday).  I was Sorry when informed that the Company were late last night at Deacon Woods.  It is pretended to be excused by Saying that a great Number of Wrestlers from Hopkinton came swaggering and challenging.  Mrs. P________ had the Doctors Chaise and my old Mare; at Sunrise sat out to go to Boston.  Gave her £105 old Tenor.  [Marginal notation: My Barn enlarg’d.]  Messrs. Edwards Whipple and his son Samuel, Zebulon Rice and Rich. Temple, began to frame the designed addition to my Barn.  At 9 a.m. I took the Mare which I am buying of Lt. Baker, and rode to the Burial of Mr. Daniel Miller.  P.M. I rode to Capt. Maynards — visit John, who is still sick.  But though I have been three Times, have not been asked to pray with him.  Had 3 thousand of Shingle Nails of Mrs. Maynard.