August 15, 1768

1768 August 15 (Monday).  Between 1 and 2 o’Clock called up Alex. and John who with a Lanthorn went to the Barn to take Care of some Hay that lay exposed — but they could not do much, the Storm came on and we went to Bed again.  Send by Elisha Forbes, two of Mr. Forbes’s MSS., viz. on Act. 17.23 and on Mat. 22.42 to be conveyed to him from Capt. Wolcotts.  P.M. had purposed to go to Northborough but am prevented — go only as far as Mr. Jonathan Hows to get him to hew Timber for me.  And visit Mr. John Maynard who is Sick of a Fever.  I discoursed with him of the most serious Concerns.  They treated me well but did not ask me to pray.