August 8, 1768

1768 August 8 (Monday).  It is a Time of Trouble and Loss with me by the frequent Rains.  Several Acres of Rye reaped and exposed not only to the Weather, but Cattle, my Oxen and Cows have unhappily broke in upon the Stukes and torn them to Pieces.  About half a Dozen Load of Hay at the Maynard Swamp, much of which we Should have got in before the sabbath: also what was lately mowed in my own new Swamp was fit to be carryed into the Barn, but is soaked by the heavy Showers — and to Day the Weather is such that none of it can be touched — but Richard Temple goes to reaping down more, though its showry and cant be gathered.  Yet all is good which God Sends!  Ruth Bellows works here to Day.