June 29, 1768

1768 June 29 (Wednesday).  I rode to Marlborough Lecture and preached on 1 Cor. 11.20, latter part.  Mr. Stone and Mr. Steward there.  We dined there together.  N.B. Mr. Smiths and Mr. Stones Dissatisfaction with my Admitting Mrs. Andrews into our Communion, She being still a Member of Chebacco Church or Society.  Returning at Even I called at Capt. Jonas Brigham’s.  He was not at home, but his Wife received my Visit kindly.  When I came home behold!  my son and Daughter Baldwin were returned from Nantucket, having a very agreeable Journey and Voiage.  For which may God have Glory.  They tell me they have been very kindly treated by divers very affectionate Kinsfolk there, particularly Caleb Bunker Esq. and a Widow Starbuck whose maiden name was Stretton, the Daughter of William Stretton.  Cicero de Senectute translated by Logan lent me by Mr. Steward.