February 9, 1768

1768 February 9 (Tuesday).  At Eve Mr. Edwards Whipple and Thomas Temple here; but from hence they go to the Artillery Company’s Exercise at Deacon Wood’s.  N.B. Mr. Zebulun Rice has been here and Shews me a Petition of Northborough Select men to the general Court, praying that they may be called a Town.  He tells me Capt. Jamison has been outed from Lt. Bakers; has lodged at Townsends and Hill’s, and had Dinners at his House — kept school a few Days for some Neighbours but now is not Employed.  Mr. Samuel Hardy junior, his wife, Children and goods, are removed from the (Whipple) school House, to go to the Work House — but it not being fit to receive them they are taken in at Lt. Bruce’s.  Sorrowful sight!