January 22, 1767

1767 January 22 (Thursday).  My Wife and I went (according to Desire) to Mr. Pratts, and assisted in Solemnizing the Marriage of Mr. Edmund Chamberlin and Miss Ruth Pratt.  Capt. Wood came to wait upon us, as he also returned here with us.  A plentiful Entertainment and a large Company; Many of which waited upon the new Marryed home to Mr. Chamberlins.  The Joy indeed was under some Abatement by Mr. Pratts great Indisposition And I can’t but lament the Death of that eminently learned Man, the Rev. Mr. President Clap at New-Haven, the 7th instant, the News of which I received to Day.  May the Lord Sanctifie this Loss!  Loss, I say, for though he had resigned his Office of President yet might he have proved very useful and Serviceable otherwise.  May it especially quicken me to Prepare for my own Departure!