November 21, 1765

1765 November 21 (Thursday).  Rode to Grafton Fast, which was on account of the Troubles of the present Day.  Mr. Maccarty prayed and preached a.m.  Text Prov. 14.34.  I performed in the Afternoon, nor would Mr. Hutchinson do any thing.  I preached on Esth. 3.15, adding much to my former Sermon on that Text.  May God grant His Blessing, above all! and may He smell a Sweet Savour in our religious Offerings — Grant our Petitions, and deliver us out of our Distresses and Perplexitys.  Returned at Evening.  Received a Letter from my dear Kinsman Elias Parkman, Apprentice to Mr. Rich. Salter at Boston.  I can’t but wish the Special Blessing of God upon this youth and his sister, for my dear Brother’s, their Grandfathers, Sake!