November 1, 1765

1765 November 1 (Friday).  We may Say of this Day as the Prophet Zeph. Speaks, Ch. 1.15, “This Day is a Day of wrath” etc.  Read the v. throughout.  I was very much of the mind that this Day Should be kept as a Day of Universal Humilliation throughout all the British Colonies in America.  As the Case is with me, I am obliged to journey to Brookfield.  Just called at Mr. Sumners.  Dined at Capt. Curtis’s in Worcester.  Mrs. Cushing there while her Children are gone to Yarmouth.  For Mr. Stone carryed his Wife home the forepart of this Week, and Capt. Curtis accompanyed ‘em.  Called at Mr. Maccarty’s, at Mr. Conklins and Mr. Eatons.  Lodged at Mr. Forbes’s.  He has set up a new End to his House, and the workmen are there to finish it (at least part of it) for his use.