November 1, 1765

1765 November 1 (Friday).  We may Say of this Day as the Prophet Zeph. Speaks, Ch. 1.15, “This Day is a Day of wrath” etc.  Read the v. throughout.  I was very much of the mind that this Day Should be kept as a Day of Universal Humilliation throughout all the British Colonies in America.  As the Case is with me, I am obliged to journey to Brookfield.  Just called at Mr. Sumners.  Dined at Capt. Curtis’s in Worcester.  Mrs. Cushing there while her Children are gone to Yarmouth.  For Mr. Stone carryed his Wife home the forepart of this Week, and Capt. Curtis accompanyed ‘em.  Called at Mr. Maccarty’s, at Mr. Conklins and Mr. Eatons.  Lodged at Mr. Forbes’s.  He has set up a new End to his House, and the workmen are there to finish it (at least part of it) for his use.

November 4, 1765

1765 November 4 (Monday).  Dined at my Son Ebenezers.  P.M. viewed his Place and Improvements which are very much to my Satisfaction.  The Eve was very remarkable — for a sad Disquietment subsisted between Mr. Forb. and Mr. Joseph Gilbert.  This Evening a Committee of the Church (Capt. Wit, Capt. Hale, Ensign Adams, Mr. Weeks, and others) met at Mr. G’s this Evening to enquire into it, and promote peace.  They sent for Mr. F. who went — but all the Efforts were vain.  I lodged at my Son Baldwins.

November 5, 1765

1765 November 5 (Tuesday).  Mr. Forbes and I rode to Hardwick.  Called at the Furnace which was now newly Set to work, at Hardwick, by Mr. Washbourn but they had not as yet cast any Thing.  We dined at Mr. Whites.  Visited Brigadier Ruggles who was lately returned from the Congress at New York.  He was not well.  N.B. Capt. Lee of Rutland (and Ensign Jones with him) came there, want Advice (at least of Mr. Forbes) under their Troubles with Mr. Frink.  We visited Mr. Ruggles of New Braintree and lodged there.

November 8, 1765

1765 November 8 (Friday).  In returning dined at Mr. Maccartys.  P.M. called at Mr. Pains and delivered a Deed of my Son Ebenezers to be recorded.  N.B. Col. [Murrey?] of Rutland there.  He was one of the Committee to view the Road in Brookfield about which my sons Forbes and Baldwin have Trouble from Mr. Joseph Gilbert.  Called at Capt. Curtis’s, who is returned from Yarmouth.  Tea at Mr. Job Cushings.  Arrived at Eve here, in safety: and found all well.  Thanks to our great Preserver!  My Wife informs me that, on the last Lords Day, not Mr. Steward, but Mr. Moore preached: Texts Mat. 5.44.  Love your Enemies.  Rom. 12.12.  Continuing instant in Prayer.  That on the 6th assembled a number of people from several Towns, led by Mr. Jonas Warrin of Upton, to Sing: had their Meeting at Capt. Woods — though I had given Mr. Warrin no Encouragement.

November 10, 1765

1765 November 10 (Sunday).  Omitted Public Reading because I Should have so great Occasion to use so much of the Chapter I designed to preach upon.  It was Esther 3.  My Text was in v. 15.  “And the Decree was given at Shushan the Palace — but the City Shushan was perplexed.”  Miss Betty Gott and Miss Hephzibah Maynard dined with us.  P.M. read Hos. 9 because of the present Times; and preached on v. 12, using my former preparations with some Additions according to the present Aspects.

November 12, 1765

1765 November 12 (Tuesday).  Visit Mr. Thomas Twitchels Son, Sick of a Fever.  N.B. A Number of Persons have kindly offered me Cyder.  To Day Capt. Jonathan Fay and Mr. Phinehas Hardy, each send a Barrell, which Mr. Joseph Grout brings home.  Mr. Ezekiel Miles and wife, also Capt. Thomas Mellen, with Message from his Brother of Chauxit here.  At Eve Squire Brigham with Message from Mr. Hutchinson concerning a Fast at Grafton next Week.  N.B. John has been ploughing yesterday and to Day with my Oxen, at the Island, and preparing for sowing Rie.  Yesterday Jonas Kenny helped him: to day Nehemiah Maynard.

November 15, 1765

1765 November 15 (Friday).  Deacon Tainter comes with two Barrells of Cyder, which are given — one by himself, the other by Lt. Harrington and 4 Bush.  Apples for Sauce.  Silas Hill comes with the Deacon.  John fetches home Mr. Bakers — Silas gets ‘em down.  Providence cast him (accidentally to us) for my help, both to the Deacons Help and mine here.  Sarah undertakes to make a Cask of Apple-sauce, for which End She bought a Quantity of Cyder etc.   This Evening came Mr. Daniel Forbes and Mr. Zebulun Rice to See Me; but it proved a very great Interruption to me in my Studys and preparations for the Sabbath ensuing; and was to my great sorrow: for Such unseasonable Visits do unhinge me to a Sad Degree.

November 17, 1765

1765 November 17 (Sunday).  Did not read publickly a.m. because the Chapter which I was yet upon in Some Expository Discourses, had been read already, viz., Isaiah 5.  Preached from v. 13-18.  At noon I proposed to the Church and Congregation to keep a Fast on account of the public Distresses — and left it to Consideration till the Afternoon.  Mr. Fessenden and Master Cushing dined here.  P.M. I read part of Luk. 10 and gave, for the Exercise, some expository observations partly which I had written; and partly was assisted from my exposition of Mat. 10 v. 5 to 16, i.e., to p. 6 with many Variations; as were very Necessary, in comparing one of these Missions, with the other.  At the Close of the Service I appointed, with the Consent of the Church and Congregation, a Fast to be (God willing) on next Wednesday come sennight, which would otherwise be our Lecture Day.

November 20, 1765

1765 November 20 (Wednesday).  Sent by Mr. Morse, 3 Years Magazines to Mr. McAlpine.  My Wife and Sarah go to Southborough.  They have Lt. Bakers Chair.  John harrows a.m. and plows in a little Rye.  Read Mr. Samuel Willards (of Beddeford) Sermon at Ordination of Mr. Hovey, and Mr. Thompsons sermon on Mr. Willards Death.  Prefaced by Mr. Prentice of Charlestown, containing an Account of Mr. Willard: which may God bless to me for my own highest Benefit!

November 21, 1765

1765 November 21 (Thursday).  Rode to Grafton Fast, which was on account of the Troubles of the present Day.  Mr. Maccarty prayed and preached a.m.  Text Prov. 14.34.  I performed in the Afternoon, nor would Mr. Hutchinson do any thing.  I preached on Esth. 3.15, adding much to my former Sermon on that Text.  May God grant His Blessing, above all! and may He smell a Sweet Savour in our religious Offerings — Grant our Petitions, and deliver us out of our Distresses and Perplexitys.  Returned at Evening.  Received a Letter from my dear Kinsman Elias Parkman, Apprentice to Mr. Rich. Salter at Boston.  I can’t but wish the Special Blessing of God upon this youth and his sister, for my dear Brother’s, their Grandfathers, Sake!

November 27, 1765

1765 November 27 (Wednesday).  Very rainy morning, but it was the Day appointed to be and was observed in this Parish as a Day of Fasting, Humilliation and Supplication to God on account of the Public Trouble and Distress by the Stamp Act.  Mr. Stone came through the Rain and prayed and preached a.m.  His Text, Ps.  At noon he left us to go to Mr. Brighams Funeral.  But Mr. Sumner came, and prayed and preached p.m.  His Text, John 7.13.  May the Lord pardon us and accept our offerings, and bless the Labours of His Servants and have Pity on us and on our Land, for Jesus sake!

November 29, 1765

1765 November 29 (Friday).  Miss Patty Richards here yesterday and to day making a Calamanco Gown for the Mother, and two homespun Gowns for the Children.  Master John Morse comes for Suse and carrys her to their House.  Mr. Tainter, Capt. Wood, Mr. Martyn Pratt and Paul Biglow with 16 Oxen, to which are added Mr. Nurse’s and mine, break up the rest of the further field.  Mr. Hutchinson and Deacon Merriam at Eve in their Return from Concord Council, who have been settling the Affair of one Mr. Wheeler etc.

November 30, 1765

1765 November 30 (Saturday).  The last Monday’s Paper informs me of Death of my dear Kinsman Mr. Ephraim Langdon, usher of the North Latin school, at Boston.[1]  May God sanctifie this Death! and especially to his sorrowfull Mother, and to his only sister (Mrs. Eliot) nor would I forget Venerable Master Wiswall, to whom Mr. Langdon was no small Support.  May God grant me to be my self, ever in Readiness!

[1]“Thursday Evening last departed this Life, after a short Illness, in the 32nd Year of his Age, Mr. Ephraim Langdon, Master of the North Grammar School in this Town. – His Funeral is to be attended from the Rev. Mr. Elliot’s, precisely at 4 o’Clock, this Afternoon.”  Boston Gazette, Nov. 25, 1765 (issue 556), p. [2].