March 8, 1765

1765 March 8 (Friday).  Breck cutts Wood at the Island.  Jonas Kenny with him part of the forenoon.  Dines here and works there all the Afternoon.  Mr. Chaplin of Sutton here.  Calls to See me and promote Acquaintance.  He asks me to change with him some time or other.  I told him I know not how to do that.  N.B. I had Spoke freely of Church Government and vindicated Pastoral Authority.  Shewed my Dissatisfaction with the Sutton, and his Proceedings in his Ordination.  But we parted in Peace.  At Eve Brother Hicks from Boston and Cambridge.  N.B. he has been down about 5 Weeks, waiting on the Court about his Land-Bank Affair.  He lodges here.  It looks as if there was great Opposition.  I know not what the Commissioners would say in Vindication of them Selves.