March 6, 1765

1765 March 6 (Wednesday).  Attended the Funeral of another Newborn Child of Francis Whipple, a Daughter.  I wish this repeated Frown of Providence may Suitably affect him that he may be brought to Repentance.  At Evening came Mr. Andrews to See me — and he sat — and we both sat for Some time — with but little Conversation.  At length he desired he might ask me another Question.  He said Mr. Daniel Forb. had told him on Monday that I desired to See him.  I told him Yes — I was willing he should come here — he was welcome — I did not mean to send for him: but should be glad to have him free here.  He Said he was willing to go into the Same way that he had mentioned heretofore (of Some Men to hear us).  I told him I had Met with such Things from him and his Wife, as made me at a loss.  I was not willing to have it like the arbitration yesterday.  He asked why?  (or something like that).  I told him I wanted no such Noise and Rabblement as that was.  But I would not have him think I was afraid to lay it before proper Judges.  He asked who they were?  I answered that the way of Church proceeding was etc. and if the Church did not settle it, then there should be a Council — and if the Affair was with Ministers, then there Should be Ministers.  He said he would never while he lived be out one [rabin?] Penny towards one — and were it not for his Family he would not set his Foot again into that House, pointing to the Meeting House.  He said he did not come to dispute with me — and left me.