March 1, 1765

1765 March 1 (Friday).  Being at Southborough, and Col. Brigham and Capt. Dwight being at Mr. Stones; having heard Captains Story of their Troubles, I wrote a letter which I sent by him to Mr. Eaton of Spencer, another member and Scribe of our Council, to know whether there was not a Vote passed by our then Council, limiting the Time of its Continuance etc.  I return home.  Captain with me and dines here.  P.M. he proceeds on his Journey.  Mr. Daniel Forbes with a Message from Mr. Andrews to know whether I will as was proposed last Summer, lay our Differences before some Men to hear and Judge about them.  I return answer partly by reading my last Letter to Mr. Andrews — and added, that I was heartily for peace any way that was reasonable — that Indeed our Case was altered from what it was; and required now special Care.