1764 July 1 (Sunday). Preached at Southborough a. and p.m. on Heb. 4.9 to p. 26 exclusive. Was somewhat faint a.m. Tryed to use a burning Glass p.m. Mr. Stone for me on Ps. 9.20 a. and p.m. He returned home; but I tarried and lodged there. He tells me Mrs. P________ invited Mrs. Andros (who has not been to hear me a great while, but was at Meeting to Day) to dine — but She chose to stay at the Meeting House.
Month: July 1764
July 2, 1764
1764 July 2 (Monday). Mr. Stone and I rode to Capt. Taylors — but he was gone to Roxbury. We went to see the New House he was building. I dined at Mr. Stones. P.M. in returning visit Mrs. Bent, also Mr. Isaac Johnson — his wife Lame — and her sister Miss Ruth Thomas confined by weakness — prayed with them. Called to see Mr. William Woods family at Mrs. Gales — the widow Adams in Disquietment with me, for what I knew nothing of, viz. her sending to me, some years agoe, and I would not go to her. Joseph Gambel (she says) was the Messenger. We made up the matter before we part. Call at Lt. Bruce’s. Breck mowed.
July 3, 1764
1764 July 3 (Tuesday). Eli Medcalf works here in ashing the Corn. Breck mowes. P.M. at Private Meeting at Deacon Tainters preached on Prov. 18.10.
July 4, 1764
1764 July 4 (Wednesday). Deacon Tainter came with an Horse and ploug[h]ed my Field and dined with us. P.M. Capt. Wood, Messrs. Zebulon Rice, Kendal and B. Tainter hoed for me. At night Miss Mary Bradish; and she lodged here. Mr. Philemon Stacy, going to market, is stopped here till late in the Night by the storm. N.B. Mrs. Hills dyed at Upton yesterday. Several Neighbours of the Hoeers, got in 7 Cocks of Hay. Lt. Graves of Cold spring here; and his Wife. Uneasiness with Mr. Forward continues.
July 5, 1764
1764 July 5 (Thursday). Mrs. Hills Funeral. Mr. Bowman here afterwards and Capt. Maynard and his Wife. They drink Tea. Captain is very uneasy about Bruce who will not consent to Beetons Setting a Shop on my old place. He expresses himself as if he was ready to repent that he ever did any thing about it. Have gone over the chief Things for my Entertainment in Mr. Martyns [Museeum?] of January and February and Sent them home.
July 6, 1764
1764 July 6 (Friday). Breck and John finish half-hilling the great Field. P.M. Mr. James Flagg and his Wife here and drink Tea — but is so great Interruption to me.
July 7, 1764
1764 July 7 (Saturday). Jonas Kenny helps Breck and John a.m. half-hilling the Orchard: they [him?], part of p.m. Lydia David at Times here — lodged here last night and tarrys with us Still.
July 8, 1764
1764 July 8 (Sunday). The Subject I had undertaken to write upon engaged me in some considerable Reading and Study; So that (having also many interruptions almost Every Day the last week) I delivered an old Sermon a.m. (after Reading Prov. 12 with considerable Exposition). The Sermon was on Heb. 9.27 and chosen on Consideration of the late Death; and Omitting the first p. and adding the Evidences of the Truth. Mrs. Parmenter, and the widow Pierce (whom I visited lately at Mr. Ithamar Bellows) dined here. P.M. read Mat. 21 to v. 22 and preached on Gen. 3.15.
July 9, 1764
1764 July 9 (Monday). Breck mows the Balks at the Island Field. I walked over to Capt. Maynards partly to visit him as very lame, and partly upon the Affair he is So uneasy about, respecting Mr. Bruce’s denying to have Beeton come into the House. But Captain was gone from home. Mrs. Maynard has much to say of how vast the Dammage to them if Beeton does not go into the House and that it lies very much with me to make Bruce Consent; whereas it is far from me. But my then Present Business was to See whether Bruce would consent to Beetons Setting his shop on the Land, and where it will accommodate. Mr. Beeton came and I had Discourse with him upon it. He tells me he is freely willing to give any Security to pay what Dammages Shall come by his Setting his Shop there. I went to Mr. Bruce’s — talked with him and her — as to Beetons coming into the House, Mr. Bruce said he would speak at once and plainly, for he was altogether determined upon it, that That minute, that Beeton came in, he would go out. However, after a great deal of Discourse, Bruce consents that if Capt. Maynard will declare before Witnesses that he or Beeton shall pay Dammages that may come by the Shop’s being Set there, it may. I dined there; and there were two young Women, Martha Warrin and Jemima Warrin, who being at Dinner also, heard Mr. Bruce say, he consented to it. I returned to Capt. Maynards who was not come home — but at length came. I told him I had succeeded, and Mr. Beeton, only on his declaring before Witness, he would pay for Dammage etc., might set up his Shop. The Captain did not receive it as I expected, but answered roughly — viz., that there was no Example of the like — no man to be found who buying a place could not do any thing upon it, nor have any Benefit but upon so hard Terms etc. Whereas the Case was quite the Contrary, for this what I had done to gratifie him and he offered himself and Beeton did repeatedly, to give any security — and as to any Perplexitys he was brought into, it was entirely by his own Doing, to my Sad Disquietment: and now his proceeding was inconsistent — for I might conclude that a rational either would or would not — but here in this Case, when I would fain have had him take the place into his own Hands intirely, but he utterly refused it, and said he would have nothing to do with it — yet upon which much against my Will, I was obliged to go and tell Mr. Bruce that now all things Should be as they used to be, and no body Should molest him, but with his own Consent, Yet now Captain wants to have such part of it as was the most difficult to grant, the House, and not for himself but for another etc. In fine, Captain, at my Desire, gave me my Note to Mrs. Maynard for 50£ old Tenor in the Year 1757; and I took leave. Visit Mr. Benjamin How. Mrs. How presents me another Sash or Gown-string. Visit Mr. Hannaniah Parker after the Death of his Mother. Visit Neighbour Batherick — but told him I did not come to dunn. However, he did paid me 30£ old Tenor. Returning home, paid Mrs. Rolf in full 6£ old tenor. In the Eve Mr. Bowman — asks advice about Oxford. N.B. Lt. Baker breaks up part of his Land before the Burying place, with 21 Creatures.
July 10, 1764
1764 July 10 (Tuesday). Lt. Baker breaks up in the same Tract, again — his Team 23. Breck mowing a.m. Wrote to Samme.
July 11, 1764
1764 July 11 (Wednesday). Mr. Sumner came; but his Wife, he was obliged to leave at Deacon Miles’s; it being exceeding Hot, and having their Babe with her. He dined with us, and preached my Lecture on Gal. 3.1. N.B. Silas Biglow of College here, with his Sister Dorcas, on their Journey to Cambridge. I gave him Rohault’s Philosophy, with various Cutts, large Octavo, and Bartholine’s Specimen of Natural Philosophy. After Lecture Mr. Bowman, Dr. Crosby, Mrs. Maynard, Mrs. Tainter, Mrs. Hannah Rice, drink Tea — many Visitants to the Currants.
July 12, 1764
1764 July 12 (Thursday). Write, and Send by Mr. John Wood, a Letter to Mrs. Andrews, in my own Vindication and with kind Affection. Mr. Bowker mowes for me, back of the Stables in each Inclosure; and in Bent meadow. Suse rode to Marlborough and tarrys all night.
July 13, 1764
1764 July 13 (Friday). A great Rain; most refreshing to the Earth, which began to be very dry again. But some of my Hay is drench’d, which was mowed yesterday. How small the Loss to so great a Blessing! Principally we are to wish and pray for the plentifull out-pouring of the Holy Spirit upon our dry and barren Souls! Might it please God, of His infinite Mercy to grant this great and rich Blessing!
July 14, 1764
1764 July 14 (Saturday). It rains plentifully till afternoon. Suse detained still at Marlborough. After ceasing a while, it rains again.
July 15, 1764
1764 July 15 (Sunday). It is still a Wet, rainy Season. Read Prov. 13. Preached on Gen. 3.15. Administered the Lords Supper. Deacon Tainter dined here. P.M. read Mat. 22 to v. 22. Preached on Mat. 16.17. In appointing the Catechizing used Some urgency to have the Children Sent. I wish we may be all roused and quickened to our Duty. After Meeting Mr. Daniel Forb. speaks to me, and tells me Mrs. Andrews has sent to him to desire he would go to see her, and that he would ask me to go with him — and this speedily.
July 16, 1764
1764 July 16 (Monday). Mr. Jonathan How came to mowe for me; but the Meadows were so wet that he could not. He returned home. Suse returned from Marlborough. Catechized at the Meeting-House at 8 a.m. 51 Boys. P.M. 29 Girls. Lydia David has been with us for Some time — is helpful at a Spurt in raking Hay when a storm was rising.
July 17, 1764
1764 July 17 (Tuesday). At Mr. Nurse’s. He tells me he wants to Sell his Place — upon which I ask him to let me have the refusal of it, or part of it. And I spoke to Mrs. Nurse that She may Seasonably when any Thing of that Nature occurrs. I rode to see Mrs. Hannah Rice (wife of Adonijah) to examine her in order to her joining with the Church. Spent my self till I was faint — and then, it being past noon, I visit Mr. Joseph Harrington, who is lately marryed, and dined there. Then I visit Mr. Daniel Forbush and at his motion to go to Deacon Bond. I send to the latter to go with us to Mr. Andrews tomorrow morning. Then I visit Ensign Miller and the rest of that House, Particularly Isaac’s wife up Chamber. Pray with them. Call at Deacon Tainters — his Wife layd by. Mrs. Hannah Tainter is in Trouble and wants to talk with me about what is said of Mrs. Andrews Case I Spend a little Time upon it, and She Says She is mighty Glad to hear how it really was. Jonas Kenny helps Breck get home a Load from the meadow. And they get in several Cocks beyond the Meeting House. Mr. Bowman at Eve. N.B. Lydia went away in the Morning.
July 18, 1764
1764 July 18 (Wednesday). Deacon Bond came about 7 o’Clock, and Mr. Daniel Forb. before 8, to go to Mrs. Andrews — but it rained so hard that it could not be prudent for me to go out. We had a great Deal of Discourse on the Affair; and I Showed ‘em the Letter which I had lately written to Mrs. A. and though writ with all hearty disposition of Peace, yet was misimproved by Mrs. A. at Mr. Warrins last Saturday. And therefore I had little Thought to try much more. Deacon Bond discovered a greater Opinion of Separates than I imagined he would and more favourable Apprehension concerning Mrs. A. and her Behavior in general although he could not but conceive She had been imprudent in some Things. Mr. Forbush was as much in their Defense as I suppose any of the Church and is very desirous to have every thing moderated and Smoothed over that can be. The Rain prevailed so that Deacon went home, and Mr. Forb. went down to Mrs. A.’s alone. Towards Evening he returned here and tells me they were in Such a Frame that he did not See but that they were likely to come to if proper means were used — and that they were willing to have any of their Neighbours hear their Case and if they had been out of the way, would retract — that they would be glad I would take a Time and bring some Men, and give them Notice that they might have some also etc. — thus fair and Smooth was every Thing.
July 19, 1764
1764 July 19 (Thursday). Mrs. P________ to Capt. Maynards. Breck at Mr. Nurse’s, because the Waters are so high upon our own Grass.
July 20, 1764
1764 July 20 (Friday). Mrs. P________ to visit her Kinsman Lt. Larkin Williams at Marlborough who is ill; as is his Wife also. Mrs. Maynard goes with her; and they go to Squire Brigham’s; where they dine etc. Mr. Edmund Brighams Wife and Miss Persis Rice make a Visit here. At Eve Mr. Bowman. Little Gott here with us, grows ill. Breck at Mr. Nurse’s.
July 21, 1764
1764 July 21 (Saturday). Breck So commands my mare as to make her plow; and he and John hoe in the Field behind the Meeting House. Mr. Moore of Oxford here from Cambridge — tells me there was no Commencement — no public Assembly — That the Governor etc. were at Cambridge on Thursday — That the workmen are working on Harvard College. After Dinner I considered that Mrs. Bowman was expecting her Hour, that it must needs be agreeable to Mr. B. for me to change with him, that he might be with his wife at such a Time as this; not that I would go to Oxford, but as he had agreed with Mr. Hutchinson to go there, I would take Mr. Bowmans place at Grafton. This therefore I proceeded to do. Went to Mr. B. who, though at first seemed not to choose it, having had another Scheme, yet afterwards desired it; and, Mr. Moore my Company I went to Grafton — Mr. H. to Oxford according to Appointment. I lodged at Grafton.
July 22, 1764
1764 July 22 (Sunday). Preached at Grafton on Joel 3.13, first Clause, a.m. N.B. began the Exercise with singing. P.M. also: so that we sung five times in the Day. Preached p.m. on Mat. 13.39, middle Clause. O that God would add His Special Blessing to the solemn, awakening Word! to my own soul especially. May I do every Thing as reallizing that I am hastening into Eternity and that as I sow I may reap: that therefore what I would have to spend in Eternity I must lay up in Time! I returned at Evening. Mr. Bowman has preached for me a. and p.m. on Rom. 8.1.
July 23, 1764
1764 July 23 (Monday). Neighbour Lock and his Brother Jonathan How[1] reap for me at the Island. Breck with them. John hoes. Mrs. Johnson at Work here — altering some Cloths of Brecks etc. Lydia David continues here, both for Household Work and Spinning. P.M. I rode to Mr. Moses Warrins to See their young Child which is Sick — prayed there. Drank Tea also with them. Called to See old Mrs. Byles and Mrs. Hardy. N.B. Mrs. Bowman in Travail. Mrs. P________ there. May God Himself be there.
[1]Jonathan How mar. Lydia Maynard, Nov. 29, 1759. Joshua Lock, Jr., of Southborough mar. Abigail Maynard, Mar. 1, 1754 (Southborough VR, 122).
July 24, 1764
1764 July 24 (Tuesday). One o’Clock a.m. Mrs. P________ returns. Mrs. Bowman has a Son. She was delivered by Dr. Ball, not without Instrument. Mrs. Johnson here. Lydia also. Breck reaps and John hoes a.m., both of them and Jonas Kenny p.m. taking up Rye which was reaped yesterday.
July 25, 1764
1764 July 25 (Wednesday). Mr. Moses Parker reaps a.m., carts in one Load of Rye p.m. I visit Mrs. Bowman at noon. Mrs. Rolf breaks fast with me, and goes over to Upton to her Brother Nathaniel Flagg’s — and I fear on foot — Whilst I want my Mare to plow among Corn. Mrs. Johnson here. P.M. heavy showers. Mr. Parker comes back with empty Cart. He stays here. Mr. Adonijah Rice’s Wife here and was examined.
July 26, 1764
1764 July 26 (Thursday). Mr. Parker works for me. Breck lame by a Prick of a Pitchfork in his Shin, yesterday: he is unable to work to Day. Paid Mr. Parker, 15/ for yesterday, 20/ for to Day — 10/ I gave him for his kindness to his Mother Parmenter. It was by a Note to the Collector Green. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Sally Putnam, work here. Mr. Bowman here and tells me he Shall defer the Baptism of his son until sabbath come se’nnight.
July 27, 1764
1764 July 27 (Friday). The same Women work here, as yesterday. Breck reaps. Jonas Kenny plows, and Cradles Rye etc. Mr. Adonijah Rice here, I having sent for him. He consents to his Wifes Joining with the Church. I call him to repentance and exhort him to his own Duty. I moreover, solemnly, charge him etc. Mrs. Johnson leaves us at Even. Send to Messrs. Fleets at Boston, for last Years Evening Post — etc. per Hand of Mr. Jedidiah Bass of Grafton.
July 28, 1764
1764 July 28 (Saturday). Miss Sally Putnam leaves us. Lydia here Still. Breck finishes reaping Rye and gets it in. A light Crop — about 20 shock only, for [blank] Acres of Ground. But any is more than Desert.
July 29, 1764
1764 July 29 (Sunday). Read Prov. 14. Preached on v. 12. Mrs. Maynard dined with us. P.M. read Mat. 22 from v. 23. Preached on Mat. 16.18. N.B. propounded Mrs. Hannah Rice, wife of Adonijah. N.B. Mr. Stretton of Waltham at Meeting — but not at my House. N.B. Though it was an heavy Rain between Meetings and especially at the Time of re-assembling, yet there was a considerable Congregation. Might we all profit by the Divine Word, and not deceive our selves! At Evening instead of my usual Repetition I read a part of Mr. Robert Boltons Treatise of right comforting afflicted Consciences, from p. 33 to 56. Which may God bless to our awakening and Saving Good!
July 30, 1764
1764 July 30 (Monday). Mr. Bowker who was to have come to work for me disappoints me. Am employed in that remarkable Satyr, the Simple Cobler etc. Breck and John [blank]. At Eve Mr. Forbes and Sarah from Brookfield. They inform that Lucy is often very poorly but that Neddy Parkman is better.
July 31, 1764
1764 July 31 (Tuesday). Mr. Forbes and Suse to Boston. I go to Mr. Bowker and wait upon his doing one Jobb after another at his Shop, till I get him away to my work. I visit Squire Whipple and his son. Dine at Mr. Greens. Received £10.18.9 old Tenor. Visit at Mr. James Maynards — at Mr. Hannaniah Parkers, whose Child is ill. Prayed there.