1759 March 1 (Thursday). Preached a Lecture to Young people chiefly directed to the Society of young men; on 2 Tim. 1.4, latter Clause and the 5th v. N.B. a Number of the Neutral French were at Meeting, viz. Peter and Magdalene LeBlanc, Miss Anne Robishow and Modesty Landre from Acton and [blank] Duesett from Newbury. They were here after Meeting as were a great many other people occasionally. N.B. Deacon Tainter and Neighbour Seth Morse killed two Hoggs for me, about 340 weight together, and Deacon came also at night to cutt out and Salt up.
Month: March 1759
March 2, 1759
1759 March 2 (Friday). I visited at Capt. Woods: John Wood and Daniel Shay having the Meazles: at Neighbour Zebulun Rice’s, his son Enoch being ill — and at the Widow Newtons, Rachel, Lydia and Josiah having the Same Distemper. P.M. my wife visits Neighbour Nurse. At Eve my son Forbush returns from Boston, goes to his own Fathers and
March 3, 1759
1759 March 3 (Saturday). Returns here in the morning as he pursues his Journey home. I bought a Barrow of Neighbour Seth Morse at 15 d. alive — Weighed 71 lb.
March 4, 1759
1759 March 4 (Sunday). Read Ezra 6, Acts 6. Preached a. and p.m. on 2 Tim. 1.4, last Clause — and v. 5. Mrs. Dunlop and Widow Joanna Forbush, as well as Master Bowman, dined here. P.M. when I appointed the Sacrament and Lecture I desired that Considering the Business of tomorrow and the Lecture on Wednesday, the Family Meeting, which according to Agreement was determined to be on Tuesday next, might be put by till the next Month.
March 5, 1759
1759 March 5 (Monday). Though it was a great Storm of Snow yet it did not hinder the Towns assembling. Deacon Pond came with Lt. Holloway to bring the Towns Desire that I would go to the Meeting House to pray with them, which I did.
N.B. Deacon Livermore here. I talked with him about the Town Debt to me, and enquired into the Reason of the Towns treatment at their Meeting Dec. [blank] 1755 when he was moderator and sent me such Votes as I received signed by him. Lt. Holloway also being here I talked with him about the Same. Young Mr. Martyn came And when I was going to send a Message my Self, he Answers that it was his Fathers Desire that I would preach his Lecture the same Day that I have appointed my own to be.
My Daughter Sarah has been and remains grievously exercised with Tooth-Ach. Blisters for it. As far as I can gather, all that are now sick of the Meazles in this parish are upon the Mending Hand. Blessed be God! Had a Reckoning with Lt. Rolf, and pay him £11.4.6 old Tenor.
March 6, 1759
1759 March 6 (Tuesday). The Widow Newton having sent me word yesterday that She had some money to let to me if I needed it (It was by her son Paul, who wanted to hire it, but She told him She could not let him have it, if I wanted it), I went to her and hired of her upward of 32£ old Tenor. N.B. I took up the Several Notes I had heretofore given and paid the Interest of each of them to this Day, and gave her New Notes of this Day, one for £8.13.4 Lawful Money or 65£ old Tenor, the Other for £1.6.8 Lawful Money or 10£ Old Tenor. In Every Thing respecting it, I was very punctual and Exact as if Deacon Newton himself were now alive. Sarah goes first to Dr. Chase to get her tooth pulled out; but in Vain; he was not at home. Thomas went with her in Mr. Nurse’s Sleigh. I visit Mr. Nurse — his Sleigh goes again to carry Sarah to get her tooth pulled. Alexander drives for her. She goes to Mr. Biglow, who took it out, though bad to draw. At Eve Deacon Tainter here. Tells me he has been to Sutton; and to see Mr. Welman who remains very Stiff — vindicates himself and says he has Done no Evil. Which fills me with much Grief.
March 7, 1759
1759 March 7 (Wednesday). No body to preach my Lecture but my Self, and it was well I troubled no body to come to preach, for it was so very cold I feared there would be but very few to hear. I preached on Isa. 7.14, repeating with additions etc. After Lecture paid Deacon Bond 30£ which I owed him by Note. Righteousness is as pleasing to God as Sacrifice, and more so. Send Word by Mr. Bigolow to his Wife not to come to the Communion next Sabbath.
March 8, 1759
1759 March 8 (Thursday). Young Messrs. John and Michael Martyn here, going to Hopkinton. Mr. Beeton here p.m.: wants some writing, of the Nature of a Quit Claim, from him to Mr. Ebenezer Rice. At Eve William Stone was here again upon the Affair of his joining to the Young Mens Meeting. After repeated professions of Repentance of what has been amiss in Time past, and promises to live a Sober Religious Life, I consented he Should be admitted, if the Society vote it.
March 9, 1759
1759 March 9 (Friday). Mrs. Bigelow here — and I talked with her, with closeness and plainness; she acknowledges She has been over taken with Drink Since she was here before — and asks Forgiveness. I told her I was ready to forgive — but she must be sensible how aggravated her sin was become — that She must mainly ask forgiveness of God and must reform. That it was So much known in the Neighbourhood that there must be a publick Confession. I also told her I would not have her to come to the Communion next Sabbath. P.M. Mr. Bigolow himself came — not knowing that his Wife had been there.
March 10, 1759
1759 March 10 (Saturday). Sequestered to my preparations — in one respect and another — O that God might succeed me therein!
March 11, 1759
1759 March 11 (Sunday). Read Ezra 7, Act. 7, preached a. and p.m. on Col. 3.3, latter part. Administered the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. May God accept our Sacred Offering through Jesus Christ! Deacon Tainter, Mrs. Bond and Mrs. Burnap (wife of Mr. John) dined here.
March 12, 1759
1759 March 12 (Monday). The precinct Sent a Committee to desire me to go to the Meeting House and pray with them at their Meeting to choose precinct Officers. Which I did. At Eve Jonathan How and Daniel Forb. junior here on a Matter of Difficulty between them, they being members of the young mens society. It is deferred for the sake of having Roger Bruce with them, he being a Witness of what Jonathan Said.
March 13, 1759
1759 March 13 (Tuesday). Visit Old Mr. Fay and his Wife. Met Ensign Fay on the Road. N.B. his son Hezekiah has badly cut himself. Prayed with the old Folks. Mr. Samuel Fay junior with me. Had further discourse with him about his Neglect of divine Ordinances. P.M. visited at Mr. David Maynard, a number of the Children being ill of the Meazles. Was at Mr. Nurse’s returning as well as going. Prayed at each of the Houses. When I came home received a Letter from my son Baldwin to inform me that his Father Baldwin dyed yesterday morning and to desire me to go to the Funeral tomorrow.
March 14, 1759
1759 March 14 (Wednesday). The Morning was very stormy. Snowed and blowed, so that I Soon gave up all Thoughts of going to the Funeral of Brother Baldwin. Neither could I so much as go to Southborough where I had designed before I received the Letter from my son Baldwin. When it ceased snowing I rode up to Mr. Zebulun Rice’s, Several of his Children having the Meazles. N.B. This afternoon a Vendue of the late Mr. John Rogers’s Place — to be at Mr. Bruce’s. Reckoned with Mr. Jonah Warrin, and with Mr. Zebulun Rice and gave them Notes to the Constable Mr. Jonathan Fay. Thomas at Bruce’s at Night.
March 15, 1759
1759 March 15 (Thursday). Visit and pray with Mr. Nurse. Miss Persis Rice here to work for my wife, in some Tayloring (as they speak). My son Thomas not well. P.M. Visit Messrs. Daniel and Timothy Warrins Familys, there being a great Number in each sick of the Meazles. Eleven in both. I prayed with each Family. Visit at Neighbour Bathericks and at Lt. Forbush’s. At my Return home found Thomas in a great perplexity about going to Hopkinton, to Mr. George Crosmans Wedding — being delayed, and disappointed of an Horse, He could neither go nor know how to stay.
March 16, 1759
1759 March 16 (Friday). Was Sent for to Mr. Nurse’s, Dr. Prentice being come. I went, found his wife also there. The Doctor judges the Tumour is of Scrophulous kind — that the Patient is much wasted, is [hectick?], and he fears will not stand it long. The Doctor and his Wife dined with me. Michael Robishow and two other young French men (one from Mendon, the other from Lebanon) here, and dine here. P.M. Mr. Charles Morris of Hopkinton here. Thus my Day, in which I longed after my study, was chiefly taken up. N.B. finished reading the late Mr. President Edwards on Original sin, which I desire to thank God for! And pray it may have a happy Success!
March 17, 1759
1759 March 17 (Saturday). I sent a line Yesterday per Dr. Prentice to Mr. Cushing to change with me next sabbath. To day Mr. Jonas Stone comes with a message of like kind from Mr. C. to Me, accompanyed with a Desire that I would Change with him and visit a young woman in Shrewsbury, Susanna, Daughter of Lt. Zachary Smith; in a low Condition and in Danger of Death. I rode to Shrewsbury but the Rain together with the badness of the Roads and the Night would be very Dark, I went to Mr. Cushings and lodged there. Mr. C. here.
March 18, 1759
1759 March 18 (Sunday). In the Morning Mr. Job Cushing junior accompany’d Me to Lt. Zechary Smiths, to visit his Daughter Susanna who had sent for me. She was exceeding low, yet had her senses. And, by what She said, Seemed to have strong evidence of a gracious State — but I went through an Examination and gave her Strict and Solemn Charge to do her utmost in self-Search. She had also a sister, Mary, who was very bad, was delirious. I prayed by them and hastened back to Meeting. Preached a. and p.m. on Eph. 1.7. N.B. The School-Master Mr. Ebenezer Sparkhawk there. At Evening, after prayer, I returned. Called at Capt. Allens, who lent me the 2d Vol. of Henry on the Bible. Mr. Cushing being at the widow Smiths, I called a while there. Thus, it being very bad traveling also, I made it late home: Every body being in Bed.
March 19, 1759
1759 March 19 (Monday). I visited several weakly, afflicted people, Mrs. Mary Stewart — the Aged Widow Woods — Ensign Miller. Called at Deacon Tainters and Supped there. When I returned home several young Men here, viz. Jonathan How, and Roger Bruce. Afterwards Daniel Forb. junior here. But the Difference subsisting between the first and last still subsists and they leave it so. N.B. Mr. Robert Keys of Wachusett, at the Door in a sad plight, I fear the worse for Drink.
March 20, 1759
1759 March 20 (Tuesday). Visit Mr. Nurse. N.B. A New Swelling in his Groin. I instructed, and prayed for, him. Deacon Tainter and Mr. Samuel Grow dined with us. Was prevented going to See sundry Familys, who have the Meazles, by the heavy Rains. N.B. Thomas who rode away yesterday, returns to Day p.m.
March 21, 1759
1759 March 21 (Wednesday). It was heavy and wettish Weather, but I rode out to Visit divers Familys that have, or have had, the Meazles, viz. Mr. Beetons, Widow Smith where I dined, Messrs. Jonathan Fay, Phinehas Hardys, Joseph Bruce’s. I visited also Mr. Reuben Maynard. Mr. William Nurse, Mr. Nat. Whitney, Monsieur LeBlanc. Mrs. Jemima Miles here. She desires me to assist Mr. Cushing in the Exercises of a Fast on account of her Husband to be at their House next week.
March 22, 1759
1759 March 22 (Thursday). Notwithstanding the Snow I again Visited. First Mr. Nurse and prayed with him. Then Mr. Martyn where I dined. Lt. Wood, the Clothier, who gave me the dying of my black Jacket: In returning home called at Capt. Maynards and received Billys Wages of Mrs. Maynard — her Husband not being at Home, but was at Thomas’s shop yesterday (without coming into the House) and desired I would come and take the Money. And I gave a Receipt to Mrs. Maynard for it — for £ Lawful Money — £103.9.0 old Tenor.
March 23 ,1759
1759 March 23 (Friday). My Son Baldwin came from Sudbury and is in his Journey home. He lodges here. Capt. Fay Orders a Training next Tuesday, the Day for the Fast at Mr. Joseph Miles’s.
March 24, 1759
1759 March 24 (Saturday). My Son Baldwin having told me that he had received the Wages of his other Prentice’s, and that he expected Billys — withall Shewing me his Orders from Billy to receive them of Capt. Maynard, I delivered him every farthing of what I received of the Captains Wife on the 22d. This I have done for the Sake of Peace and to induce my Son Baldwin to carry it well to Billy — yet am not satisfyed with the Justice of the Demand.
P.M. Mrs. P_______ went up to Capt. Allens at Shrewsbury and returned at Evening in Safety. She went chiefly to buy a Lining for my old Gown.
March 25, 1759
1759 March 25 (Sunday). Read Ezra 8 and Act 8. Preached a. and p.m. on Col. 3.3. May God Himself magnifie His Power and Grace through my Weakness and Meanness! Mrs. Dolly Rice and the Widow Sara Smith dined here with us. N.B. Enlarged the Time of Intermission to Two Hours. Sung twice p.m. In the 2d Singing began Ps. 119. Read the Proclamation for the Publick Fast — and mentioned at Fast to be (by divine Leave) at Mr. Joseph Miles’s in Shrewsbury next Wednesday: first Exercise to be at 10 a.m.
March 26, 1759
1759 March 26 (Monday). Visit Mr. Nurse and prayed with him — N.B. was there twice to Day.
March 27, 1759
1759 March 27 (Tuesday). Training — The Company met to See who would ‘list to go into the designed Expedition. I prayed with the Company and it being rainy we went into the Meeting House.
March 28, 1759
1759 March 28 (Wednesday). Fast at Mr. Joseph Miles’s on the Account of his Dejection and Gloomyness. It was so rainy that my Wife did not go. I did not get there till (as I suppose) full ten o’Clock — I waited about 3/4 of an Hour, and no other Minister coming and a considerable Assembly being gathered, I began prayer and preached on Jer. 31.l8. [“I have surely heard Ephraim bemoaning himself thus; Thou hast chastised me, and I was chastised, as a bullock unaccustomed to the yoke: turn thou me, and I shall be turned; for thou are the LORD my God.”] I had prepared so much for the present Occasion as made it a long Exercise. Mr. Cushing and Mr. Hutchinson came in prayer Time. Mr. H. prayed p.m. Mr. C. preached on Ps. 34.19. [“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them.”] May God accept our offerings and bless the Word to us, and particularly to poor Mr. Miles, who is wonderfully cast down.
March 29, 1759
1759 March 29 (Thursday). My Kinsman Mr. Adam Brown of Ipswich, on a Journey to Connecticut, was here and dined with me. Deacon Tainter goes to Market, to Boston, and carrys something for my Wife. N.B. A number of Men at Work in Clearing Some of Capt. Maynards Land, and preparing it for the Burying place. For the Fencing it some bring Fencing Stuff, Some are digging stones. I give them a few Rodds of Addition. N.B. Mr. David Maynard, Mr. Phinehas Hardy and Mr. Moses Warrin are there and hear me.
March 30, 1759
1759 March 30 (Friday). Men come to work about the Burying place but the Rain beats ‘em off before Noon. Mr. Thomas Frost dines here — he lends me 50£ old Tenor. P.M. Granny Maynard here. She brings a great number of Fish of various sorts (36) which we [were?] caught in their Brook.
March 31, 1759
1759 March 31 (Saturday). Messrs. Whitney, Hardy, Ensign Fay and the other proprietors of the upper stables give, and desire me to take away, the Muck out of their stable. Mr. Phinehas Hardy Said and not only this Year but as long as it stands. To which the rest, I conceive, accorded.
P.M. Mr. Thomas Whitney nigh Evening came from Mr. Reuben Maynards to desire me to go up there, Mr. Maynard himself lying in a very low Condition, very insensible and tis feared will never Recover. But his Wife is worse than he, and tis conceived is near her End. The Neighbours think She is dying, and earnestly desire me to go up there now immediately. This was the Message. While I prepare Mr. Whitney runs to Mr. Nurse’s for an Horse. We ride up there (though it rains hard) and find a distressed House. The Doctor concludes the woman is in the Agony of Death. I prayed with the Neighbours and Family for them. It proved so exceeding Dark and So stormy I could not go home. Spent part of the Night there. About midnight with Some Men to pilot, got over to the widow Smiths and lodged there.