September 10, 1758

1758 September 10 (Sunday).  So many and distracting the avocations of the last Week, I could make but one sermon, taking the Pains with it as my Desire and my Custom of writing is.  Nor do I know how to alter it.  Read 2 Chron. 22, Joh. 10.  Preached a.m. on Song 5.1.  Admitted Hannah (wife on Ebenezer) Miller into the Church.  Administered the Lord’s Supper.  The Deacons wives, and Mrs. Hitty Rice (wife of Lt. Eliezer) dined here.  P.M. repeated the last part of sermon on Eph. 3.10.  Read proclamation for Thanksgiving.  N.B. in the forenoon, having forgot Mrs. Millers Relation and the Covenant I took my Hatt, while the Congregation were singing, came home and got them and returned before they had done.  Yet I sat ‘em but 2 staves.  N.B. My Frame of Heart was much too dull and insensible at first, and my preparation too Slighty; yet it Pleased God (as I hope) to quicken me.  Thanks and praise to Him!  Whilst I need to be deeply humbled before Him for my great Defects, which the Lord pardon!