1758 June 26 (Monday). Deacon Tainter came and invited me and my Wife to dinner. We accordingly dined there. N.B. they had dressed a very large Pigg to entertain us. I rode to visit Mrs. Woods, who is yet alive and able to converse. N.B. She with much Decency and Humility, if not admonished [me] [yet] entreated me concerning that Lords Day Evening which She Spent at our House after a Sacrament Day. I suppose last Fall. (See Nov. 20. 1757.) But She Said She heard afterwards that I began the Sabbath at a different Time from her. And yet she said She could not leave the world without Speaking to me about it, for if it were even so, yet she thought with her self that if we have a Friend that we love and esteem and are much delighted with, we are loath to part with, and wait upon him as far as we can: or if we have been at a great Meeting, where we were about affairs of our Hearts were much set upon, we Should be very like to be full of talk of them all the Evening. She was therefore much disappointed to have me, that Evening (it was after Repeating and reading etc., and when the Evening was come on) discussing of other Things. (I enquired into her Birth, former Marriage etc.) I took it in good part and was heartily thankful to her: was humble and ashamed in my self (Though there was nothing passed but what was not only innocent but useful yet there might have been what was more edifying — and (as She expressed it) a more choice winding up after Sacrament) to think that I her Teacher Should be So far defective and behind hand. I asked forgiveness and may God Himself forgive me through the great Atonement! I resolve also, by Gods Grace, that it Shall be a warning and Instruction to me. It rained very hard, So that I was with her the chief of the afternoon. I prayed with her, and, though in the Rain, returned to Deacon Tainters. My wife was gone to See Mrs. Blanc. It continued raining but we got home in some Comfort.