1758 June 14 (Wednesday). Council Met at the Meeting House, in the morning. Our Time was chiefly taken up in Searching into the Number of the Church that voted for a Council, because the adverse party said (by a paper Sent in yesterday) that we are imposed upon, for that there were but nine (out of 39) that Sent, whereas there were 12 who Opposed Sending. This was cleared up, and Mr. Wellman was defended as to this. Offers and proposals were made to the agrieved, till nigh Night. I went out once and again as mediating, to perswade them and at length they did comply. N.B. It was to join in calling a mutual Council. I objected against their sending to our Church, but they would. N.B. We broke up 1/2 after 10. I complyed with Mr. Jonas Bonds Invitation to lodge there. Deacon Bond lodged there with me.