1758 June 13 (Tuesday). I rode up to Sutton, 2d Parish, to Council there. Deacon Tainter and Deacon Bond with me: called at Mr. Hutchinsons. Got up a little before 10 o’Clock a.m. No one of the Council besides came for a great while. Mr. Gleason ill and comes not; but the Delegates only. Mr. Dor and his son came, Mr. Morse also, though he was pitched upon as Second to Mr. Dor, to come if this latter failed. The rest were Mr. Cushing, Mr. Rice of Sturbridge with their Delegates. Mr. Dor was chose moderator. I was elected Second. Mr. Morse Clark: but we were not constituted an Ecclesiastical Church till Repeated strong Efforts were used to persuade the withdrawing Brethren to comply with the Pastor and Standing part to lay their Matters of Difficulty before us, or unite in calling a Mutual Council. At Eve I visited my aged Kinswoman, Mrs. Fuller (who is in her 83d year) and lodged there — where she now lives, viz. her son Trask’s.