1758 June 1 (Thursday). I did not go very early to the Convention — but heard that Mr. Balch was chose. Mr. Townshend preached on 3 Ep. of John v. 8. Had Contribution but slender. It was a rainy Time and but few at meeting besides the Ministers. A Committee was chose to carry a congratulatory Address to the Governor — the Number 12. I dined at Mr. Mathers, where were Messrs. Gardner of Stow, Rogers of Littleton, Torrey of South Kingstown, Cushing of Haverhil, Barnard of Salem, Rawson of __________. Stepped in to Mr. Pembertons, where were Messrs. Wigglesworth, Chipman and Stone — they are projecting to have the ministers of the orthodox side (as we Speak) to meet the Day after Commencement to See if nothing can be done for support of the Truth, against the ill boding aspects of the present Day. N.B. Dr. Sewall had drawn up, and read p.m. to the Convention some proposals concerning a Testimony against the Errors and Vices of the present Day — but they could not obtain a Vote. At Mr. Foxcrofts with Mr. Roby at Tea Time. At Mr. William Winters, where is Mr. Maccarty, much indisposed — he has Several Times vomited Blood etc. Preached at the Family Meeting at my Brother Parkman’s, on Ps. 46.1.10 and lodged there.