1758 June 1 (Thursday). I did not go very early to the Convention — but heard that Mr. Balch was chose. Mr. Townshend preached on 3 Ep. of John v. 8. Had Contribution but slender. It was a rainy Time and but few at meeting besides the Ministers. A Committee was chose to carry a congratulatory Address to the Governor — the Number 12. I dined at Mr. Mathers, where were Messrs. Gardner of Stow, Rogers of Littleton, Torrey of South Kingstown, Cushing of Haverhil, Barnard of Salem, Rawson of __________. Stepped in to Mr. Pembertons, where were Messrs. Wigglesworth, Chipman and Stone — they are projecting to have the ministers of the orthodox side (as we Speak) to meet the Day after Commencement to See if nothing can be done for support of the Truth, against the ill boding aspects of the present Day. N.B. Dr. Sewall had drawn up, and read p.m. to the Convention some proposals concerning a Testimony against the Errors and Vices of the present Day — but they could not obtain a Vote. At Mr. Foxcrofts with Mr. Roby at Tea Time. At Mr. William Winters, where is Mr. Maccarty, much indisposed — he has Several Times vomited Blood etc. Preached at the Family Meeting at my Brother Parkman’s, on Ps. 46.1.10 and lodged there.
Month: June 1758
June 2, 1758
1758 June 2 (Friday). Attended to my Secular Bus’ness (though I could pay but few Debts). Dined at my Kinsman Winters, whose wife is, we hope, recruiting. I rode out of Town near Night as far as to Mr. Potters at Brookline and lodged there.
June 3, 1758
1758 June 3 (Saturday). Rainy morning — yet I Sat out for home. The Rain detained me so long that I dined at Mr. Isaac Browns in Waltham. N.B. Monsieur Villiars of Hopkinton Company — got home before dark. After I was in Bed and asleep came my son Forb. from Boston. He lodged here.
June 4, 1758
1758 June 4 (Sunday). Mr. Forbush being here to preach for me, and Mr. Cushings people to be destitute, I rode to Shrewsbury, notifying as I went along — and preached there, a.m. on Prov. 1.28, p.m. on Ps. 20.7. N.B. Capt. Curtis and Wife from Worcester. I returned at Eve. Called at Capt. Nat. Allens, his wife being at Boston. Mr. Forb. preached at Westborough on Isa. 26.20 a. and p.m.
June 5, 1758
1758 June 5 (Monday). Mr. Forbush takes Leave. N.B. he leaves here Dr. Doddridge’s Family Expositor, and he takes with him my Reynolds on Sacred Zeal, and Scougals Life of God in the Soul of man. He goes to Uxbridge and Sutton and then home. N.B. Mr. Martyn and his wife came to see us, and dined here. P.M. The Committee of the precinct came, with the Collector Ebenezer Forbush to Settle Accounts with me. Rain at Eve, yet Mr. Martyn and his wife returned home.
June 6, 1758
1758 June 6 (Tuesday). Mr. Gross came and accompanys my Daughter Suse to Wor’ster where she is to meet her Brother Forb. and So to return to her Brother Baldwins. Mr. Abraham Williams of Sandwich came to see us — the same night an Heifer which we valued was Sick and dyed. N.B. he brought me a Letter from Billy who dates it Northhampton.
June 7, 1758
1758 June 7 (Wednesday). I made another visit to Capt. Maynards to talk with him before he goes off — and in some measure succeeded. Sent some Things by him (checked Shirt, Wafers) to Billy. Mr. Hutchinson dined with me and preached my Lecture on Luk. 1.54. Mr. Wadsworth called, and accompanyed Mr. Hutchinson.
June 8, 1758
1758 June 8 (Thursday). Sarah to quilting at Deacon Tainters. Thomas p.m. to Hopkinton. They both tarry over Night. N.B. Ensign Goddard and his sister Adams here. N.B. Moved away my Corn Barn.
June 9, 1758
1758 June 9 (Friday). More than ordinary Cold. Mr. Maccarty and his Brother Bridge of Worcester here in returning home from Boston by Hopkinton. P.M. Dr. Willson also here. Great and Sad Interruptions to me in my Studys. But especially by my Sore disappointments in getting my Corn hoed: Brother Zebulon Rice who had so engaged Adam to me that I relyed upon him, but now has undertaken other Business.
June 10, 1758
1758 June 10 (Saturday). Daughter Sarah taken off from her Business by Indisposition.
June 11, 1758
1758 June 11 (Sunday). Read 2 Chron. 12 and Joh. 3. Preached a.m. on Eph. 1.7. Administered the Lords Supper. Deacon Tainter and his Wife, Mrs. Whipple (Francis’s wife) and her sister Lambson, dined here. P.M. preached on Prov. 22.6, using principally what I had delivered before on that Text. At Eve I was very weary, and tired — nor did my Sleep Suffice to recruit me.
June 12, 1758
1758 June 12 (Monday). I had Adam Rice to hoe for me. P.M. Mr. Bellamy here — but goes from hence to Sutton — carrys with him my [three Greek words]. N.B. Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlin and a number of Youth and Lads, his own and Neighbours to hoe my Corn, and finished it. May God reward ‘em for this most seasonable Kindness! I rode to Blanc’s and Deacon Tainters. N.B. at Eve Deacon Tainter and Capt. Wood here, about Abner Newtons Marriage — which I can’t attend tomorrow because of the Council. N.B. Solomon Baker puts off till next Week.
June 13, 1758
1758 June 13 (Tuesday). I rode up to Sutton, 2d Parish, to Council there. Deacon Tainter and Deacon Bond with me: called at Mr. Hutchinsons. Got up a little before 10 o’Clock a.m. No one of the Council besides came for a great while. Mr. Gleason ill and comes not; but the Delegates only. Mr. Dor and his son came, Mr. Morse also, though he was pitched upon as Second to Mr. Dor, to come if this latter failed. The rest were Mr. Cushing, Mr. Rice of Sturbridge with their Delegates. Mr. Dor was chose moderator. I was elected Second. Mr. Morse Clark: but we were not constituted an Ecclesiastical Church till Repeated strong Efforts were used to persuade the withdrawing Brethren to comply with the Pastor and Standing part to lay their Matters of Difficulty before us, or unite in calling a Mutual Council. At Eve I visited my aged Kinswoman, Mrs. Fuller (who is in her 83d year) and lodged there — where she now lives, viz. her son Trask’s.
June 14, 1758
1758 June 14 (Wednesday). Council Met at the Meeting House, in the morning. Our Time was chiefly taken up in Searching into the Number of the Church that voted for a Council, because the adverse party said (by a paper Sent in yesterday) that we are imposed upon, for that there were but nine (out of 39) that Sent, whereas there were 12 who Opposed Sending. This was cleared up, and Mr. Wellman was defended as to this. Offers and proposals were made to the agrieved, till nigh Night. I went out once and again as mediating, to perswade them and at length they did comply. N.B. It was to join in calling a mutual Council. I objected against their sending to our Church, but they would. N.B. We broke up 1/2 after 10. I complyed with Mr. Jonas Bonds Invitation to lodge there. Deacon Bond lodged there with me.
June 15, 1758
1758 June 15 (Thursday). The Council was dissolved about 10 o’Clock a.m. We left Copy of Some of our votes, but no formal Result. Dined Early at Mr. Wellmans. Called at Esq. Hazzletine’s Forge — (N.B. New Wooden Bellows) — and at Mr. Hutchinsons.
June 16, 1758
1758 June 16 (Friday). Isaac Woods comes to see me with a Message from his Sister requesting me to go to See his Mother, who is taken with a Lethargy, or Some Such Distemper. I went accordingly — found her very low, and so much inclined to sleep that it was difficult to converse with her.
June 17, 1758
1758 June 17 (Saturday). [No entry.]
June 18, 1758
1758 June 18 (Sunday). Read 2 Chron. 13 and Joh. 4 to v. 27. Preached a.m. on Eph. 1.7. P.M. Micah 7.9, former part. Mrs. Foster and her Daughter Twitchel dined here.
June 19, 1758
1758 June 19 (Monday). Catechized a. and p.m. at Meeting House.
June 20, 1758
1758 June 20 (Tuesday). It is the Time of Ministers Meeting at Rutland but I could not attend till I had Solemnized the Marriage of Mr. Solomon Baker to Miss Sarah Newton: but then (though half after five p.m.), I rode up to Mr. Buckminsters by 1/4 after nine. I did not stop to bait till I got to Capt. Hubbards in Holden. Lodged at Mr. Buckminsters — there being besides at this Meeting, Messrs. Cushing, Frink, Stone, Smith, Morse and Davis.
June 21, 1758
1758 June 21 (Wednesday). Fast at Rutland. A.M. Mr. Morse prayed and Mr. Smith preached. Text Deut. 4.30.31. P.M. I prayed and Mr. Stone preached. Text Deut. 7.10. At Eve a violent Tempest of Wind, Rain, Thunder and Lightning. Mr. Frink, Mr. Smith and I lodged at Mr. Buckminsters. N.B. It was very much my Grief that the Conversation among the Ministers was So much on the Convention, and the Altercations that arose from thence — and was not Such as would tend to Solemnize our Spirits, and promote true Repentence and Prayer.
June 22, 1758
1758 June 22 (Thursday). Mr. Buckminster rode down with us as far as Wor’ster Road. We called at Mr. Davis’s, and he rode with us Some Miles. Mr. Smith and I dined at Mr. Cushings. P.M. Called at Capt. Nat. Allens but his wife and sister were gone to my House. N.B. they carryed Veal etc. to make them Selves Welcome. I arrived a little before Sunsetting. All in peace — to God the Glory.
June 23, 1758
1758 June 23 (Friday). I visited old Mrs. Woods, who is extremely low. I went also to see Mr. Daniel Millers wife who is in Glooms Still: and greatly dejected. When I returned to Mrs. Woods a fit was come on, and She grew so bad I very much despair of her recovery.
June 24, 1758
1758 June 24 (Saturday). Mr. Stone (according to our Agreement) came here; and I rode to Southborough. Mrs. Stone and two youngest Children not well.
June 25, 1758
1758 June 25 (Sunday). I preached at Southborough on Jer. 6.16. Do lament my own dull frames, and the too apparent heartlessness of others — but my own is chief. The Lord pardon and quicken us! I returned home at Evening. Mr. Stone preached on Jer. 14.3.
June 26, 1758
1758 June 26 (Monday). Deacon Tainter came and invited me and my Wife to dinner. We accordingly dined there. N.B. they had dressed a very large Pigg to entertain us. I rode to visit Mrs. Woods, who is yet alive and able to converse. N.B. She with much Decency and Humility, if not admonished [me] [yet] entreated me concerning that Lords Day Evening which She Spent at our House after a Sacrament Day. I suppose last Fall. (See Nov. 20. 1757.) But She Said She heard afterwards that I began the Sabbath at a different Time from her. And yet she said She could not leave the world without Speaking to me about it, for if it were even so, yet she thought with her self that if we have a Friend that we love and esteem and are much delighted with, we are loath to part with, and wait upon him as far as we can: or if we have been at a great Meeting, where we were about affairs of our Hearts were much set upon, we Should be very like to be full of talk of them all the Evening. She was therefore much disappointed to have me, that Evening (it was after Repeating and reading etc., and when the Evening was come on) discussing of other Things. (I enquired into her Birth, former Marriage etc.) I took it in good part and was heartily thankful to her: was humble and ashamed in my self (Though there was nothing passed but what was not only innocent but useful yet there might have been what was more edifying — and (as She expressed it) a more choice winding up after Sacrament) to think that I her Teacher Should be So far defective and behind hand. I asked forgiveness and may God Himself forgive me through the great Atonement! I resolve also, by Gods Grace, that it Shall be a warning and Instruction to me. It rained very hard, So that I was with her the chief of the afternoon. I prayed with her, and, though in the Rain, returned to Deacon Tainters. My wife was gone to See Mrs. Blanc. It continued raining but we got home in some Comfort.
June 27, 1758
1758 June 27 (Tuesday). Having been disappointed by the Rains yesterday of visiting Ensign Fay’s Wife, I went to Day; but She remains very delirious. N.B. Mr. Hutchinson visited her last Evening notwithstanding the Rains. I could not do any Thing to purpose in Conversing with her — but at her Husbands Desire I prayed with her. Mr. Winchester with me, about his Will etc.
June 28, 1758
1758 June 28 (Wednesday). Mr. Thomas Twitchell came and worked (gratis) for me, hoing and ploughing. N.B. Mr. Zebulon Rice’s Wife here — she wants Advice and Direction respecting her Duty towards a sister of the Church who (She says) was last week the worse for Drink — about half a Dozen women being able to testify to it. I Suppose it was at the Raising Cornelius Biglow Junior’s Barn, which was on the 23d. Mr. Jeduthun How of Brookfield here.
June 29, 1758
1758 June 29 (Thursday). Mr. Daniel Miller is clearing for me. Samuel Hardy junior with him. N.B. here is Ezekiel Gilbert on my son Ebenezers mare. He came from Brookfield yesterday; dines with us. Enoch Rice with his Fathers mare, here to plough in order for a Number of Young Men from the Southward, to hoe, but they did not come. Enoch and Alexander p.m. hoe.
June 30, 1758
1758 June 30 (Friday). [No entry.]