March 27, 1758

1758 March 27 (Monday).  My little son Samuel having come up home to be with us over the Sabbath — now he rides behind me back to Mrs. Mary’s again.  I visit Mr. Benjamin or Jacob Garfield whose Child is sick.  Visit old Mr. Bradish and his Son Jonas.  Afterwards went up to make a Visit to Esq. Baker and his Family — but he said he was very busy in writing, and was sorry it was Such a Time that he could not wait on me: yet we sat down together a little Space — and there coming a man or two to the Door, who desired to Speak with him — their Business was So much preferred to mine that I could not with Decency force my self upon him.  I had however told him that I was come on purpose to See him and that I had no temporal Bus’ness with him at present.  Intimating plainly what my aim and Design was; and reminded him how disappointed I was in Such an attempt heretofore.  See Sept. 5th last.  Concluded with inviting him to come and See Me; which he partly engaged.  N.B. Mrs. Baker up Chamber at her Loom; could not but know I was there, but did not come down.