March 10, 1758

1758 March 10 (Friday).  Mr. Solomon Woods here and tells me he is going over to Mr. Whipples with Benjamin Tainter, and tis designed to try for Capt. Wood to go with them to endeavour a reconcilement.  P.M. the Widow Ruhamah Newton was carryed by, having fallen from her Horse and broke her Legg.  I went up to See her — prayed with her and her Friends who where gathered on that sorrowful Occasion.  I waited also upon the Setting of it but Mrs. Parker came so late and took up so much Time in her Apparatus and Operations that it was night before I could return.  Another Thing that occurred there to detain me was, the Contending partys above mentioned with the men that had been with them to assist them came to me at Mrs. Newtons; and they having succeeded in Endeavours to compose the Difference insisted upon my writing Mr. Tainters Acknowledgement which therefore I did; and through Grace, they were happily agreed.  To God the Glory!