1758 March 1 (Wednesday). Deacon Tainter having kept my Mare comes with her and Another in a Sleigh or Whirrey, to accompany me to Southborough. We called at Dr. Chase’s but he was not at home. And to See the French people at Southborough, Mrs. Goredow, and her Children. Went to See Mr. Stone; but he was gone to Shrewsbury to visit Mr. Morse, who has lately lost a Son of 7, or 8 Years old. After Dinner there we returned home. I can’t but take Special Notice of the Deacons readiness to serve and wait upon me, in a very respectfull Manner. And in the Mean Time is doing me the great Kindness to Subdue my new mare to drawing. I hope he does all sincerely, and as to the Lord, for I am utterly unworthy: but this Conduct must quicken me to endeavour to deserve it. May God reward him with abundant Spiritual Blessings!
Month: March 1758
March 2, 1758
1758 March 2 (Thursday). A rainy, uncomfortable Day. But Neighbour Prat Sledded over a Small Jagg of English Hay from t’other Barn. And p.m. Deacon Tainter comes again with my mare in his Whirrey and we go to the Private Meeting at Mr. Bradish’s. I preached on Act. 26.22, former part. At Eve Deacon Takes my Mare home Still, to keep and tutor. My Son Baldwin, having been to Boston came and lodged here.
March 3, 1758
1758 March 3 (Friday). Very tedious Day by reason of the high Sharp Winds.
March 4, 1758
1758 March 4 (Saturday). Mr. Baldwin leaves us in the Morning for Brookfield. N.B. before he went I payed him 7£ old Tenor and took up my Note which I had given him for work in building my House.
March 5, 1758
1758 March 5 (Sunday). Read 2 Chron.1 and Luk. 18. Preached a.m. on Rom. 8.28, my last Sermon on those words. May God Himself be pleased to follow it with His Blessing! P.M. on Rom. 13.1, There is no power but of God. Used chiefly preparations on 2 Sam.23.3 but with additions. N.B. I had a View to the Elections of Town Officers tomorrow.
March 6, 1758
1758 March 6 (Monday). Visited Ensign Miller, Deacon Forbush and his sister Steward, Blanc etc. N.B. my wife comes out of her Room.
March 7, 1758
1758 March 7 (Tuesday). Mr. Daniel Adams works here — cutts out a passage from my Chamber into the Kitchin Chamber, and putts up a Door. Brother Hicks came to see us; and lodges here.
March 8, 1758
1758 March 8 (Wednesday). The Foot Company meet (agreeable to Act of Court) to See who are to be Bayonet men. N.B. Mr. Adams works here a.m., is nailing Kitchin Chamber Floor etc. At Eve Capt. Wood and Master Rice.
March 9, 1758
1758 March 9 (Thursday). Mr. Adams a while here finishing his work of Mending a Table etc. Mr. Stone and his Daughter Miss Judith dine with us. He preached my Lecture on Ps. 63.5. N.B. He gives me Account of what was done at Leominster on Jan. 28 last in dismissing Mr. Rogers. N.B. Mr. Francis Whipple brings me a written Complaint against Mr. Benjamin Tainter and desiring me to forbid him coming to the Sacrament. At Eve I rode with Mr. Stone as far as Lt. Forb. and received of Ebenezer the last that he is to pay me upon the Rates though not the last that is due to me. Viz. the Equivalent money which he would have had to gather, Scil. of Deacon Forbush’s year — but which the Committee to sell the Meeting House stuff have received into their Hands to pay me. N.B. In deep and distressing Trouble about my son Thomas, especially on Account of his Spiritual and eternal State and Condition.
March 10, 1758
1758 March 10 (Friday). Mr. Solomon Woods here and tells me he is going over to Mr. Whipples with Benjamin Tainter, and tis designed to try for Capt. Wood to go with them to endeavour a reconcilement. P.M. the Widow Ruhamah Newton was carryed by, having fallen from her Horse and broke her Legg. I went up to See her — prayed with her and her Friends who where gathered on that sorrowful Occasion. I waited also upon the Setting of it but Mrs. Parker came so late and took up so much Time in her Apparatus and Operations that it was night before I could return. Another Thing that occurred there to detain me was, the Contending partys above mentioned with the men that had been with them to assist them came to me at Mrs. Newtons; and they having succeeded in Endeavours to compose the Difference insisted upon my writing Mr. Tainters Acknowledgement which therefore I did; and through Grace, they were happily agreed. To God the Glory!
March 11, 1758
1758 March 11 (Saturday). [No entry.]
March 12, 1758
1758 March 12 (Sunday). Read 2 Chron. 2 and Luk. 19. Preached a.m. on Joh. 15.1 and administered the Lord’s Supper. N.B. previous to it read Benjamin Tainters acknowledgement which was accepted and he was thereby restored. N.B. a Considerable Number of Communicants of other Churches with us, viz. Capt. Jacob Foster and wife, Ensign Asa Brigham and his Wife and Wife’s sister Warrin, Mr. Asaph Rice, Mrs. Abigail Whitney. P.M. preached on Occasion of the annual Election to be on the morrow, from Tit. 3.1 and used mainly some sermon heretofore preached on that Text.
March 13, 1758
1758 March 13 (Monday). Alexander goes over to t’other House to Secure the Corn there, the House being beset by Squirrils. I went over — got Mr. Moses Nurse to go with a Sled and Tumbrill and brought 36 Bushels over here, of Sound good Corn. It was precinct Meeting to choose Officers, and I expected they would Send for me to pray with them, but they did not. Reckoned with a Number of persons — particularly had a large Reckoning with Deacon Bond; his wife also was here; but N.B. that which was the means of the great Increase of my Debt with them was her Spinning and Whitening linnen Cloth for Setting off my Daughter Lucy.
March 14, 1758
1758 March 14 (Tuesday). Alexander brought over the Hog Corn from t’other House. Rain p.m. Mr. Ebenezer Cutler dined here and left 32/ for Mr. Stone; [Defi?]ciency in a piece of Gold paid to him in time past. Am Oppressed with a great Cold, and which prevails among most people at this time of great Alteration of Weather. Visit Widow Newton.
March 15, 1758
1758 March 15 (Wednesday). Mr. Asaph Rice is going to Boston to buy Druggs in order to set up the practice of Physick here among us; and I Send by him the Money which Mr. Cutler left for Mr. Stone: for I concluded that Since I have heard nothing from him about his Lecture, it will not be this Week. But about 10 o’Clock I received a Letter from him that his Lecture was to be this Day, and this Hour. I was very sorry — and wrote him an Answer. Indeed it was a very Cold Day and I was much indisposed; yet I had so strong Inclination to go that if I had any Such seasonable Notice as that I could have got there I don’t know but that I Should have attempted it. Jonathan Cook here and wants my Other place this Year.
March 16, 1758
1758 March 16 (Thursday). Very Cold Weather Still. Jonathan Ruggs Son, who marryed Hannah Pratt, on the same Errand. At Eve Capt. Wood and his wife here and Supp with us.
March 17, 1758
1758 March 17 (Friday). Mr. John Haven here on Quest of a place to set up Merchandizing in. The Day Warm and pleasant my Wife goes out abroad.
March 18, 1758
1758 March 18 (Saturday). Cloudy, raw Cold.
March 19, 1758
1758 March 19 (Sunday). Read 2 Chron 3. Luk. 20. Preached a.m. on Joh. 15.1 and p.m. on v. 5. O that I might be a living Branch of the true Vine!
March 20, 1758
1758 March 20 (Monday). Deacon Tainter came and killed a Sow for me. Weighed 256. I went over to the other House, that Mr. Batherick and I might divide the Scaffold English Hay. I made a Visit also to Lieutenant Maynards — but before I could have much Opportunity with him, he is partly taken up with Company in the Outer room and does not come to me; and then came and told Me he must go down to Lt. Bruce’s: and So left me. I tarried Some time Still in the West room, there being Several poor Widows that I might be profitable and comforting to. I also took the Opportunity to charge the Children and Servants of the Family.
March 21, 1758
1758 March 21 (Tuesday). In great Expectation of Mr. Martyn and his Wife to See us, having Sent to them by Nathaniel Rugg; who assured me he would do the Message. I not only stayed at home for this purpose, but provided an handsome Dinner — but they did not come — nor has either of them been here since my Wife’s lying in. Mr. Asaph Rice Supped with me. N.B. One Simon Millen here Yesterday and wants to hire my old place. Lt. Maynard and Eliezer Rice go to Boston about Commissions. The Latter here for my place.
March 22, 1758
1758 March 22 (Wednesday). I dined at Mr. Edwards Whipples, being in my way to Mr. James Maynards, whom I visited — and his son John etc. N.B. I presented to Granny Maynard Dr. Edwards on Repentence.
March 23, 1758
1758 March 23 (Thursday). Thomas Hardy is going up to Brookfield this Morning. I wrote to Ebenezer (who keeps School at Deacon Cutlers in Brookfield) to go to Mr. Lull for the Deed I left with him last Oct. 5. I wrote also to Suse. P.M. preached a Lecture to Young people and in Special at the Request of the Society of Young Men; on Luk. 12.5, which I composed now on this Occasion.
March 24, 1758
1758 March 24 (Friday). Su Bimeleck here (with a Bastard Child about a month old) whom I reprove.
March 25, 1758
1758 March 25 (Saturday). My wife much indisposed by Reason of a grievous Cold.
March 26, 1758
1758 March 26 (Sunday). Read 2 Chron. 4, Luk. 21. Preached a.m. on Joh. 15.5. I delivered about 12 pages (or the Quantity of two short Sermons) although it was all I could prepare because it could not be well divided — and I was desirous to give as much of it at once as I well could, for the Sake of a Number of Strangers from Hopkinton here, who would be more likely to understand it by these means. Young Mr. Barrett of Hopkinton here at Dinner. Tells me his Father was scalded, and is very lame. P.M. repeated sermon on Ps. 73.24 to p. 14.
March 27, 1758
1758 March 27 (Monday). My little son Samuel having come up home to be with us over the Sabbath — now he rides behind me back to Mrs. Mary’s again. I visit Mr. Benjamin or Jacob Garfield whose Child is sick. Visit old Mr. Bradish and his Son Jonas. Afterwards went up to make a Visit to Esq. Baker and his Family — but he said he was very busy in writing, and was sorry it was Such a Time that he could not wait on me: yet we sat down together a little Space — and there coming a man or two to the Door, who desired to Speak with him — their Business was So much preferred to mine that I could not with Decency force my self upon him. I had however told him that I was come on purpose to See him and that I had no temporal Bus’ness with him at present. Intimating plainly what my aim and Design was; and reminded him how disappointed I was in Such an attempt heretofore. See Sept. 5th last. Concluded with inviting him to come and See Me; which he partly engaged. N.B. Mrs. Baker up Chamber at her Loom; could not but know I was there, but did not come down.
March 28, 1758
1758 March 28 (Tuesday). Visit Mr. Williams and his, they having been very Slack in coming to see us. Nigh noon set out for Hopkinton (though a Cold Day for the season) yet the sun had such Power that the Waters flowed by Reason of the last nights Rains, and the wasting snow, to a very great Degree. Brother Barrett very lame, but somewhat better. First Saw young Mr. Barretts new wife. Dined there, though late. Returned at Eve. N.B. Miss Lydia Bowman with me part of the way. Very Cold riding home.
March 29, 1758
1758 March 29 (Wednesday). Almost all my Family much indisposed with Colds. Mr. Ebenezer Rice having Spoke to me Several Times for my old Place, I consent to his having it this Year.
March 30, 1758
1758 March 30 (Thursday). Cold but somewhat more pleassant. Thomas Suddenly lists and takes the Bounty Money — but what gives me trouble is, it is at the Instigation and by the Instrumentality, of John Dunlop, who I am informed has a Lieutenent’s Commission. I visited LeBlanc. Samuel Hicks from Sutton lodges here. N.B. Capt. Fay calls his Company together at his House, at the Desire of Capt. Stephen Maynard in order to ‘list men. Thomas and his Cousen Hicks goes there — and Thomas follows the Drum. N.B. Catechized at the Meeting House both a. and p.m.
March 31, 1758
1758 March 31 (Friday). I think there is Scarce any Article next to the Care of my own soul which lies upon my Spirits like this of my Son Thomas — the Thing it Self considering his proneness to bodily Indisposition; and the manner of his ‘listing when he might have done it under so many Superior Advantages — but especially the Frame of mind which I think him to be in whilst Things are thus. But I desire to committ the whole to God!