October 31, 1757

1757 October 31 (Monday).  A.M. I visited Mr. Eliezer Rice and Family most of ‘em being Sick of the fever and ague, and have been much afflicted with it.  N.B. her Brother Samuel Bootman of Sutton dyed on Saturday last.  This man has lived at least Two Years to the Astonishment of all that Saw him; having So languished and grown rotten by a Sore he was exercised by.  This Precinct met together to See whether they would make some Addition to my Sallery for this Year; and to see what they would do about my Wood.  As to the former (as the Clerk Mr. Phinehas Hardy informed me) they made it 500£ old Tenor including my Wood: And would do nothing as to providing anybody to get it, as they did last year.  At Eve Mr. Tim. Warrin here and undertook to provide my Wood for 35£ old Tenor.  N.B. Deacon Tainter, and Mr. Jonas Twitchell were here and heard what was agreed to: as did Capt. Wood also.  N.B. his Discourse before Capt. Wood came in, of the Disquietments Some people were in about me and particularly my preaching yesterday forenoon: principally that my own Family were culpable.  May God grant me the Grace to deal impartially; and carefully reform what is amiss among us!  I beg I and Mine may be an Example to the Flock!  And May we make a fit use of the unreasonable Murmurings of those who make groundless Exceptions!  I desire particularly to pray for Such: God grant me an Heart to do this to divine Acceptance!  N.B. Mr. Ezekiel Leonard of Southborough dyed Suddenly.  What an Awful Warning to all Survivers.