February 13, 1757

1757 February 13 (Sunday).  Read 2 King. 3.  Repeated on Ps. 63.8 from page 6 the remainder with Omissions, alterations etc.  P.M. read Mat. 26 from v. 36.  Preached on Ezek. 22.30 on which I mainly Spent my time for preparation So that I was obliged (many Cares and avocations pressing) to repeat as abovesaid.  It is my earnest wish and prayer that God will please to raise up, and Spirit Such as may Stand in the Gap before Him for this Land!  O that it might please Him to qualifie and introduce me (though infinitely unworthy) into the Number, though the most inferior Number of them of those that Shall do some Service in those respects!  No Earthly Honour being comparable to serving God most High in the great Affairs of His Kingdom.  Evening Pierpont Journals.