February 2, 1757

1757 February 2 (Wednesday).  Very stormy last Night and this Morning — Snow, Rain, Hail.  Yet Brother Hicks leaves us to go home.  N.B. Brother Hicks informs me that he designs to Review the Action between Collins the Quaker and him and again wants me to recollect his Sending by me a Message to Collins, to know whether Mr. Oliver Ward had paid, or how much he had paid upon his Bond.  This put me upon reading over great Part of my Journals of the Years 1736 and 1737, which brings to my remembrance so many Things, many besides what are written, that I am much affected, and am very glad I have taken those pains to preserve what Passes from Day to Day.  For although many things are small and of little worth in them selves yet do the Recollections of them prove of Service divers ways, putting me in mind of several Circumstances which attended them which tis needful to recover: But there are some Other Things which are of Such Importance in my Life that they ought by no means to be dropt.  I must notwithstanding upon the Review, bewail it that my Life is of so little importance or profit to my self or Others.  O what is mine compared with the Lives of Some Others!  Ex. gr. St. Augustine’s, who preached every Day; and wrote Books enough besides to take up the most of a mans Life, with proper attention to read: Dr. Hammonds who Studyed etc. 16 Hours of the 24.  Mr. R. Baxter who was even a prodigy of Fruitfulness.  May God be pleased to awaken me out of my Sloth, and pardon and help me for His Name’s Sake!

February 3, 1757

1757 February 3 (Thursday).  I looked over the Notes I designed to preach from at the private Meeting at Mr. Bradish’s — but presently after Dinner came Mr. Hezekiah Pratt with an Horse beseeching me to hasten to his House, whither Some men had brought poor Mr. Edward Wilson of Shrewsbury.  They brought him out from home in order to his Seeing me, but they could get him no further.  I therefore went to him and found him in a very distressed Condition under Strong Temptations and frequently ready to lay Hands on himself.  I gave him some quieting Counsel and Directions and prayed with him.  The men who waited on him were Mr. Brewer and Mr. John Garfield.  In the Evening Deacon Forbush and his Widow Daughter here and supped with me.  This Evening visited us also Lt. Tainter with his sisters, Hastings and Whitney.  When they were gone, I had some sorrowful Reflections on my Conversation’s being So unprofitableand lifeless as it was among them.  O that God would pardon and quicken me!  And make me more Serviceable to His Kingdom and useful to mankind.

February 6, 1757

1757 February 6 (Sunday).  Storm continues — Snow — p.m. Rain.  Read 2 K. 2.  Preached a.m. on 2 Cor. 5.11.  P.M. read Mat. 26 from v. 36.  Repeated a sermon on Ps. 63.8 to p. 6.  And O that God would add his Blessing to the fervent Endeavors of the Day, in Special to Spiritual and Everlasting profit of my own Soul!  Mr. John Chamberlins Wife dined here.  In the Evening Mrs. Pierpont.  N.B. had some Serious Discourse with Billy, which I beg of God to Succeed to his Saving Good.

February 7, 1757

1757 February 7 (Monday).  Snowy Weather still.  P.M. it cleared off.  Mr. Amos Wait of Grafton, from Boston, dined here.  He brings me a Line from my Kinsman W. B. P., that probably Brother P____ will be marryed this Week.  Sent by Daniel Nurse to Mr. William Boardman for an Hatt for Billy.  In the Eve Mr. Daniel Forbush here.  Read some of Mrs. Pierponts Journals, find them very entertaining and quickening — but not without divers very exceptional Things respecting their Separation and suffering Persecution from Authority in New Haven.

February 9, 1757

1757 February 9 (Wednesday).  Had Mr. Benjamin Tainters Mare to go to Marlborough.  Was at the Widow Grace Barns’s; visit Mrs. Mary Steward at Mr. Peter Bents.  N.B. Mrs. Bulah and Betty Bent promise me their Meadow which joins to mine.  Dined at Mr. Smiths; but he was gone to Sudbury.  Billy and John wait on their Mother in a visit to Mrs. Martyn and return in safety.  Mr. Martyn came there – which I wondered at, because my Wife was at his House.  Mr. Martyn and I went over to see Mrs. Spikeman (who dwells in Dr. Gotts House) news having arrived to her that Capt. Spikeman was killed by the Enemy in a late Encounter, at Lake George or Champlain.  At Eve I returned home and in my way hired 31£ old Tenor of Mr. Ephraim How.  Capt. Baldwin came.  He informs that my Daughter Forbush has had a broken Breast.

February 11, 1757

1757 February 11 (Friday).  Bright and not very Cold.  Capt. B. returns to Brookfield and Carrys Some of Billys Cloths.  My Wife goes to t’other House; and carrys Samuel there and leaves him.  Brother Hicks going to Boston again upon the Collins Affair, dines here.  P.M. Mr. Ammiel Weeks of Brookfield here.  Tells me Lord Loudown is on the Road, returning to the Westward.  At Eve came Mr. Childs man to glaze my Kitchin, but I Sent him to Abner Newton.  Billy trims my young Orchard.

February 13, 1757

1757 February 13 (Sunday).  Read 2 King. 3.  Repeated on Ps. 63.8 from page 6 the remainder with Omissions, alterations etc.  P.M. read Mat. 26 from v. 36.  Preached on Ezek. 22.30 on which I mainly Spent my time for preparation So that I was obliged (many Cares and avocations pressing) to repeat as abovesaid.  It is my earnest wish and prayer that God will please to raise up, and Spirit Such as may Stand in the Gap before Him for this Land!  O that it might please Him to qualifie and introduce me (though infinitely unworthy) into the Number, though the most inferior Number of them of those that Shall do some Service in those respects!  No Earthly Honour being comparable to serving God most High in the great Affairs of His Kingdom.  Evening Pierpont Journals.

February 14, 1757

1757 February 14 (Monday).  P.M. visit LeBlanc.  He Objects against us that many of us, Protestants, (as Quakers) are not baptized — and that we dont practise Penitence.  To the former I replyed that we looked upon them as heretical, as well as Papists.  To the latter 1.) That particular Days of Penitence, Whether Days of the Week, ex. gr. Friday, Jesus Christ has not appointed them in the Sacred Scriptures.  2.) Public Fasts are according to the Special Occasions thereof.  3) Private Fasts are left to the wisdom and Devoutness of particular persons them Selves.  N.B. It was So dark and slippery that being ‘o foot I called at Lieut. Tainters; Supped there; and he discerning my State, offered and accommodated me with Horse and Lad to wait upon me home.

February 16, 1757

1757 February 16 (Wednesday).  Visit Mr. Joseph Knowltons Family.  Not only have their two sons Samuel and Nathaniel lately dyed, but Miss Abigail, and Mary Pratt now ly ill of the same Fever, and Young Mr. Knowlton (who lost 3 Children last Fall) is taken sick.  A very distressing time with them, and calls for sympathy.  I visited also at Phinehas Gleazons, Edmund Rice’s, Mr. James Maynards — old Mr. Whipples etc.  N.B. Mr. Edward Wilsons Son was here to desire me to assist in a Fast to be next Tuesday at Mr. Wilsons (in Shrewsbury) on Account of his grievous Tryals and Distresses.  Mr. Ebenezer Forbush, Collector, his first visit to pay me money.  Barnabas Newton here, desiring to join with the Church.

February 18, 1757

1757 February 18 (Friday).  Still rainy.  Have deep and distressing Concern about my own Spiritual State; and find abundant reason to abhor my Self before the Lord, to humble my Self to the Dust.  And O that God would have Mercy on Me: for His great Name’s Sake!  At Eve Mr. Noah Brooks here.  Deacon Forb. and his Daughter, the widow, here.  N.B. I gave her a Note of 11£ Old Tenor for the Pork which I bought of her, being 147 pound at 1/6.  N.B. My Son Thomas brings me from his Brother Ebenezer a proposal about their taking the old place — but is what I can’t comply with.

February 22, 1757

1757 February 22 (Tuesday).  Attended at the Fast in Shrewsbury at the House of Mr. Ed. Wilson, he remaining in a very distressed, tempted state.  Mr. Cushing prayed and Mr. Hutchinson preached a.m. Text Ps. 32.3 to 6 inclusive.  P.M. I prayed and Mr. Martyn preached.  Text Zeph. 3.2.  A very great Concourse.  The sermons very seasonable and excellent Discourses.  May they be savingly profitable!  I returned at Eve.  I called at Mr. Joseph Knowltons, the young woman being Still very low.

February 23, 1757

1757 February 23 (Wednesday).  Visited old Capt. Forb., Mrs. Chase; Widow Rogers, Mr. Barns and Artemas Bruce, the Frosts — The widow Maynard — and was at my sons, where I have not been ever since December [9?] (as I remember).  Both he and his wife under much Disquietment, yet it is not in my power to remedy it.  I came home Smitten with my having disappointed Barny Newton whom I had directed to come here this Eve, but the pressure of my Affairs with my son made me utterly forget it, till I got near home.  He had been here and waited long enough, and was gone home.  May God forgive it through Jesus Christ.

February 25, 1757

1757 February 25 (Friday).  Eliza comes into my Study to acquaint me that her Husband insists on my telling him what I will give him — whereas I have let him know my Mind divers Times already; if he will but repair the Fences, which he neglects to do.  I Sent him a writing to inform him of my Thoughts; my purposes and my Expectations.  This is an Affair which gives me inexpressible and piercing Trouble.  I desire to Committ it to God and wait on him for Direction and Assistance.  Deacon Tainter from Boston having kindly done many Errands for us.  The Lord reward him for the great Care he takes of my Affairs!