1756 November 10 (Wednesday). Am informed this Morning that about ten o’Clock last night Deacon Jonathan Forbush junior departed this Life. I hope in Christ, and that he is gone to Glory! But an heavy and sorrowfull Loss to his dear Wife, to his distressed Parents and Children, to his mournful Brethren and sisters, Nei[gh]bours and Friends; in a Peculiar Manner to the Church of God here, of which he was a shining Ornament, especially for his Integrity and Uprightness. This Death affects me very much, as he was a very singular Friend to the best Interests among us; and one on whom I might as well depend (under God) as upon any Man in the whole Place. I may take up Davids Lamentation, “I am distressed for thee (on the Account of the Loss of thee) my Brother Jonathan. Very pleasant hast thou been to me!”[1] May God teach us all, and me especially to profit by His holy Stroke upon us! O for Grace to be ready also! Mr. Jonah Warrin with his Oxen, and Billy with his Brothers plough again. P.M. instead of burying Deacon Forb.’s Child at one, the Funeral of both the Father and the Child are appointed to be at 3. They are buryed in one Coffin. There is an Universal Lamentation. N.B. Capt. Baldwin brings my Daughter Forb. who came from Brookfield yesterday, and her Daughter Lydia.
[1] 2 Sam. 1:26, “I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.”