1756 March 21 (Sunday). Read 1 K. 9. Repeated Expositions on Mat. 13.45.46 a. and p.m. and p.m. read the latter part of that Chapter from v. 31. N.B. I introduced the forenoon exercise with informing the Audience “That the Providences and Services of the Last Week had prevented my preparing, as I had designed, upon a subject that I had already made Some Progress in etc.” I appointed divers Catechizings, and an Exercise at Lt. Bruce’s, in the ensuing Week. After Exercises Stopped the Church on the Affair of Mrs. Judith Bellows, and the Church passed a vote to Suspend her from the Communion and from all special Privileges in this Church. N.B. read the Petitions of James Allen of Hopkinton for a Contribution among us. He had been burnt out, and lost his Goods, though the House was not his. I read two Certificats concerning him; one from Simpson Jones Esq., the Other from Rev. Mr. Barrett. I read also the Petition of Robert Cook, for a Contribution for him to assist him in building an House. Having read these Petitions I desired the Deacons of the Church and the Committee of the Precinct would meet and advise what is best to be done.