March 1, 1756

1756 March 1 (Monday).  It was Town Meeting Day.  One of the Select Men, Mr. David Maynard junior was with me to obtain my Consent to laying out a Road through my Land North of the Meeting House which I gave freely.  And since he, and another desired I would not go from home till noon or would return home by that time, inasmuch as the Town might want my Help (however, the meeting was warned as I was informed, to be at 9 or 10 a.m.), I therefore tarryed at home, though otherwise I should have Visited Mr. Joseph Woods, and others in that Corner of the Town who are sick; dined at Home, and Stayed till nigh half after one, p.m. but there not coming any Message from the Town to me, I had reason to conclude they had no Service for me.  And therefore I rode to the Old Widow Rogers to See her, She still remaining sick and by reason of my Journey last week I had not visited her.  Thus there was no prayer at the Town Meeting; which I think is matter of Serious Reflection.