June 10, 1755

1755 June 10 (Tuesday).  Rody Smith work’d with Billy in hoeing Corn.  Mrs. Prentice and with her one Mrs. Logan, gong to Charlestown, call’d here.  I perceive they are plung’d very deep into Errors; and Yet Seem exceeding Spiritual, heavenly and Purify’d — at least Mrs. Prentice.[1]  ‘Tis Said they are Nicolaitians, and yet Perfectionists.  O the infinite Mischief done by such to the Church of God which they profess to have the most fervent Affection to!  May God grant ‘em a Discovery of the Evil; and may I and all others be preserv’d from their Mischievous Reveries!  My Kinsman Briant call’d here in his Return.

[1]Mrs. Solomon Prentice of Grafton, at other times known as an “immortal.”